Iron Rose

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Mika was staring at himself in a mirror wearing the Beacon Academy uniform, he never worn anything like this, feeling so tight he shifted a bit uncomfortable. He was using a empty dorm room to stay in.

A knock at the door came it was ruby he let her in.

"Wow I have to admit you look nice in the uniform" she said smiling

"Thanks it's a little tight though" he pulled at the sides and collar

"Here let me help you adjust it" she replied

Ruby got close to Mika as she helped him get better fitted.

"Why, why is she helping me and being so friendly I just met her, why do I have this warm feeling inside" he thought tk himself

Ruby stopped and looked at him.

"You okay?" She asked

" you eyes alot" Mika said nervous but not showing it

Ruby smiled

"Thanks but don't you already have a girlfriend? You said her name was Atra" she replied

"Have one, had one im not really sure, I had two actually at the same time" he said nonchalantly

Ruby blushed

"2 girlfriends, where are they now? I bet they miss you" she replied little disappointed

"Let me explain" he said

Mika told Ruby everything, tekkadan, his death, his connection with barabtos, his friends and his kid, ruby wasn't really surprised as weird stuff have been happening on remant for a while whoever was behind it was the same one who supplied the white fang with Zakus and they both feared things were far from over.

Meanwhile.....warehouse East Dock, Vale

Roman sat at his desk holding a ice pack to his head, Neo was standing next to him.

"I have such a headache, thanks again for pulling me out of the zaku" Roman said to neo

Neo smiled and nodded, the office door was kicked open making a loud bang that made Roman's head hurt even more.

"You idiot you were suppose to attack after the festival was over" Cinder said very angry

"I'm doing fine thanks" Roman said

"You may have ruined this whole operation, now I'm forced to leave beacon early, I had a perfect opportunity to destroy team rwby and you fucked it up because you are are completely incompetent dumbass" Cinder was raising her voice

Roman said nothing he pressed a button under his desk, a loud shot was fired a large bullet went right through Cinders stomach knocking her down. A large Barret 50 calibur sniper was hidden under his desk.

"CINDER!" Emerald yelled holding her friend

"Let this be clear I'm in charge now and a new game plan, now I will get my orders directly from Salem and not her girl scouts" Roman said

"You basterd" emerald said

She raised her guns but was stabbed in the heart by Neo, emerald dropped dead instantly.

"Thanks Neo hopefully the others respect this change of ownership" Roman said

Neo nodded but also pointed at mercury who was scared but wasn't really showing it.

"Well my friend you want to work with the big dogs or stay on the porch?" Roman asked him

"I never liked the porch" he said swearing his allegiance to Roman

Back at Beacon.....

Mika and Ruby were sitting next to each other in class chatting and yang Blake and Weiss watched them.

"Seems Ruby has found love" Blake said

"What Ruby, no come one no way she barely met the guy" Yang said

"Are you kidding me look at them they are all over each other and talking like they kown each other for years" Weiss pointed out

"Im sure she's just being friendly" Yang said

They trio saw Ruby put her red cape over Mika. Weiss and Blake looked at Yang.

"Okay maybe she has found love" Yang replied defeated

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