War and Love

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In the massive hanger hundreds of white fang grimm fans hybrids stood at attention, the mobile suits all in stood. Salem walked in and got infront of everyone taking a glass of wine and sat on a couch

A faunus grimm hybrid stood infront of Salem

"We may have failed our mission today but 2 days from now we will unleash the most devastating offensive the world have ever seen, with the help of a new bio weapon Silent Night our victory is certain and we will crush who stand in our way"

He turned and faced Salem rasing one arm in a fist

"ZIEG SALEM" he shouted

Hundreds of others followed suit facing Salem doing the same thing


In the hanger of the MS factory RX had minimal damage, and undercover agent informed Ironwood of the operation planned by Salem which made him stress out even further. It was snowing outside but the hanger doors remained open to allow the machinery to cool down.

Yang had her arm in a sling and bandages on her gunshot wound, being helped by Blake Weiss and Mika. Ruby stepped out the RX and came running down and ran up to Yang.

"Yang you got shot, are you hurt? Did you tell dad? It's okay if you want to cry I will cry with you" Rhby said almost crying

"Ruby you were in space, fought a strong bad guy then used the bad guy as a surf board to fall back down here, I should be asking you those questions" Yang said smiling

Ruby held Mikas arm blushing

They saw Ironwood talking to a engineer, they went to see the commotion was about.

"Whats going on general? Ruby asked

"Great job out there but we got problems Salem is planning something big, we have 2 days and we only have the RX and Barbatos and from what intelligence shows us Salem has about 300-400 Mobile suits, Zakus, graze, gelgoogs, and other types, we simply just don't have enough mobile suits" Ironwood said

Mika got distracted looking out into the snowy distance he saw a glowing visor and more shapes appear.

"General how many Mobile suits do you need?" Mika asked

They all looked at Mika then the distance and they saw them too.

Dozen GM 2s were walking toward then, GM snipers were being airlifted by dropships, GM Cannons were being towed by tanks.

"Whats going on?" Blake asked

They got closer and they saw different corporations had come together to develop mobile suits including Schenne family which made the GM cannon.

"Looks like we got ourselves reinforcements" Ironwood said smiling

Ground crew gathered and cheered Ruby smiled Mika held her hand. Helicopters dropped off the CEOs and they walked to Ironwood, Weiss father was first to greet him.

"We are at your service" he said saluting him.

MS were brought inside the factory for maintenance and any additional items. Ground crewd and others were hard at work, meanwhile a huge meeting with the all branches of the military even hunters.

"Salems Base of operations is isolated here in the Carpathia pass, we expect heavy resistance from hundreds of Mobile suits therfore this is a joint operations I'm calling everyone on this, Airships will deploy MS here and provide airatrikes when possible, ground forces will land on the ridge and set up a FOB, MS team's will be lead by Mika Augus and Ruby Rose ,we go in destroy whatever Silent Night is and nuke the site when everyone is clear and if we are lucky kill Salem" Ironwood said pointing at a map.

He continued but Ruby grabbed Mika by his arm and dragged him to the hallway where they kissed.

"Ruby what's wrong?" He asked

"I just.....I got a bad feeling in this one and everything is happening so fast I'm barley able to comprehend what's happening, I'm so scared amd nervous just hold me" Ruby said panicking

They both sat down on the floor Mika holding Ruby comforting her.

"Well if this makes you feel any better I made you this" Mika pulled out a necklace

Necklace was a simple black string in the middle was a bullet decommised, on the bullet was something written

"M + R love 4 ever"

Ruby looked at it and gasp.

"Mika this is.....i love it" she said smiling and putting it on

Mika smiled, ruby got her cape and ripped a part of it, she put it around mikas neck as a scarf, he smiled again.

"Here you go, you always look cold so I uhhhh I'm sorry I'm terrible at gifts" Ruby said blushing out of embarrassment

"No its okay I love it, it is warm and it smells like you" Mika said

"You big weirdo, you like my smell" Ruby said teasing him

"Not all the time sometimes you smell rather fishy" Mika replied

"Oh you big jerk" Ruby said playfully smiling gently pushing him

They both laughed and stopped just looked at each other

"I love you Mika"

"I love you too Ruby"

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