Hexside University: Amity Blight

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amity's POV

This was it. There's only 46 seconds left of the game. Hexside University has a leverage over Glandus University by one point, but we need to have 5 points higher so they can't catch up. This part of the game always gave me a rush. I had to think, what spell would give us the leverage?

   "Amity!" Boscha gave me a familiar look.
We both knew what we could do to get the final few points. A crossed element spell. We used the opposite of one's element, for example; fire and ice, earth and wind. Boscha always used ice, and I've always used fire.

   "Now!" I yelled across the disastrous field.
Boscha used ice to lift me from the field, but as I was about to use fire-

   "Ha, that combo, oh poor Hexside when will you ever do something different?" Our opponent said with an evil smirk across his face.

   He was a potionist, and I thought I was screwed when I saw him throw three acidic potions at the ice that was supporting my height. The ice kept melting away, but I couldn't let that bring me down. 17 seconds left on the clock and as I shrunk along with the ice, I used his attack as an advantage. Ice melting this fast causes evaporation and condensation. The fog could help me become stealthy.

   "Where the hell did she go? Find her!" The potionist became angry. His rage brought fear upon his teammates as they scouted around the melted ice, praying they found me to calm him down, and as they were unaware, Boscha and the rest of my teammates knew what to do.

   "Hey, Glandus boy, next time fight ice with something less steamy, although it matches that hot head of yours," I soared through the sky teasing him while Boscha and my other teammate used a combination of ice and rock to raise me once again from the destroyed field.

   With only three seconds on the clock left, I threw the ball with my least dominant hand-


*Glandus 43 || Hexside 48*

   "That's GAME! Hexside WINS!"

   I loved that we won, but my body was free falling from the sculpture I jumped from. It felt like I was flying for a brief three seconds until I plopped onto the ground on my back. My body ached, my back felt like it has been crushed by stones. Everything was blurry, but we won. That's all that matters.

   "Mittens, get your ass up, you looked stupid falling." Emira stood over my exhausted body, and of course standing in her shadow was Edric.

   "How many times have I told you to stop calling me mittens, I'm not 14 anymore. I'm quite literally an adult."

   "Calm down Amity, you just turned 18 in November. It's literally December 7th. Besides, you'll always be our mittens," Edric adds onto Emira's annoying and embarrassing name calling.

   "Aww you glow so bright, haha just like in high school when we posted you and your trainee wand on penstagram."

   Was I actually glowing red? Maybe, I just finished a game. I wasn't really embarrassed of Emira and Edric anymore. They've always been immature. I don't think they've ever taken anything seriously. I can't complain though, because I'm better than the both of them. I'm captain of grudgby, I'm one of the most advanced witch as a freshman in college, and I'm a blight. They say success should bring you happiness, but would I consider myself happy? No. Not at all. Edric and Emira might be less successful than me, but they seem so content with their lives.

   "You, girl with the green hair, you really have some nerve now do you!?" The potionist raged as he became an obvious sore loser.

   "C'mon Glandus boy, just accept the defeat, but good game," I teased but then extended my hand out to show good sportsmanship.

   "You think you're all that, but let's see how you are without your arm." He threatened.

   You know, I can't help but to laugh at him. He's right now about to disintegrate my arm or something like that. I mean hello? We play GRUDGBY, our reflexes are going to be fast. I don't know what his problem is.

   "You sure know how to make Glandus look worse by putting your sore loser attitude in my face after the game ended. You aren't even fast enough to do whatever you were going to do to my arm, and you're team captain of your team? You should tell me how lovely it is to lose every time with a slow reaction time like yours."

   "You little fa-" before he could finish his slur, security puts a sleeping spell on him. I don't know what he was expecting though.

   "I'm so sorry for his behavior," another Glandus member from the match approaches me.

   "It's whatever, he needs to check his place before he gets fucked up. You guys didn't do bad, that was a good game." I attempted to be nice, or I think it was genuine, I'm not sure.

   "Haha yeah, I'll keep an eye on him, but for now, we'll see each other soon." The other Glandus member giggled.

   They were really nice I thought. They should be team captain for Glandus but I could simply care less. I just wanted to get out of this uniform. I felt nasty, sticky, and I just wanted to rest.

   As I got to my dorm, I dragged my sore, aching body to the cold shower. Every drop soothed each section of my skin. The sweat, dirt, and earth that was on me being washed away by cold water and soap was the most refreshing feeling ever. After a game like that, I loved a cold shower, plus hot ones don't really do me so good. My skin is really pale, like white paper, maybe even whiter. Hot showers always made my skin appear red. More importantly, why was the Glandus boy so upset? I know he was about to call me a faggot. That's a bit homophobic, but I don't really care either. I've never really had romantic feelings for anyone, boy, girl, non-binary; I just focus on myself. If I did I just pushed it down, so I never had the opportunity to actually like someone. It would be nice, but even if I could, I don't think my mother would approve regardless.

   As I got out of the shower, I looked in the mirror. I took a good look of myself. My body, my face, my hair.

   "It's almost funny I don't have anyone to date, because honestly I'm actually pretty..." *mocks in mother's voice* "...but you can't get distracted, you have to maintain the Blight image."

   I know that my mother is obsessive and unhealthy, but I know she loves me, at the same time she's going to have to learn at some point that I'm gonna live my life.


   "Shit. I'm not dressed. Who would be knocking??"

   I dressed up fast in baggy light pink sweat shorts, and a very baggy grayish black shirt, I tie a knot on the shirt to give it a cute look and speed to the door.

   "Hi, I'm sorry I was getting dressed, how many I help you?" I questioned realizing it was just one of the campuses administrators.

   "Hi Ms. Blight, we need a favor. You're one of the few students with a single dorm. I believe your dorm is fit for 2 people?"

   "Yes, in fact all my stuff is on one side and the side where someone else is suppose to be is completely empty."

   "Great! We have a transfer student joining our campus. She's set to come in between the next two days."

   I almost choked. That made me extremely nervous. I didn't mind having a roommate, but I'm so used to being alone.

   "Okay, thank you for the information. She's welcomed in my dorm."

   "Thank you for your cooperation Ms. Blight. Have a wonderful day!"

   I looked around the room, and I wasn't lying when I said my stuff was on one side. I didn't have much stuff. I just had a desk on my side, some textbooks, and usually went outside to practice my abomination magic. I never really wanted to clean up the mess.

  "I wonder who my roommate would be... transferring so late into the fall semester."

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