Chapter 16: To Tell Or Not To Tell?

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I sat there for a few minutes before I heard Frank call my name. I ran down the stairs to see Frank, Pete and Patrick with at least 3 bags on each arm. Frank was about fall over and Pete was lean precariously to one side. Patrick seemed to have very few problems but he was the one with only 6, where as Pete had about 5 in one hand and 2 in the other, and Frank was loaded with 4 in each hand.

"Gerard, help." Frank said, I laughed at sight before taking 2 bags from Frank and 3 from Pete.

"You guys, do realize you could have split this up and made 2 trips instead of trying to carrying all of it at once." I state before recieving a glare from Frank.

"Fuck you," Pete muttered. And Patrick just smiled, earning a light punch in the arm from Pete, who had just sat his set of bags down.

"I'm guessing they weren't too much trouble, Patrick?" Frank asked while cocking his head toward me.

"Not at all, Ray stayed in his room and Gerard and I had a lovely conversation, didn't we?" Patrick said while turning his head to me expecting an answer. I just nodded before starting to unload the bags and put away things.

"What did y'all talk about?" Pete asked, curiously.

"Um... some movies we've both watched, books, music. Stuff of that variety." Patrick responded as he helped me with putting away groceries.

Pete and Frank both nodded before shrugging and walking off leaving us with all the work.

"Assholes," I muttered under my breathe as I placed some lettuce in a drawer in the refrigerator. "Couldn't be bothered to help could they?" I asked Patrick.

He just shrugged and continued putting things in various places. It didn't take long for the items to all be put away and for Patrick and I to be in the living room with Pete and Frank, yet again.

The day goes by normally after that. Everybody watched some TV together; it was pretty nice. I would notice Patrick either zoning out of the conversations or staring intensely at me, but other than that I was comfortable for the day. I tried my best not to think of Patrick's plans, or better yet ideas.

They would pop up in my thoughts every once and a while, making me slightly concerned. I would dismiss them however and tune back into the conversations and jokes floating around the room. Today was, overall, a nice day.

Although, this nice day is coming to an end as it is now 11:30, and me and Frank are laying on the bed in each others arms for no reason, but the fact that we enjoy each others company quite a lot. Frank is playing with my fingers and I am nuzzling my nose into his hair. I wonder for a split moment if I should tell him what I know. If I should let him know how dangerous Patrick truly could be for us, but I dismiss the thoughts once again, for I do not want this day to come to a close with my mind on such a stressful topic. This topic can wait for an hour or so.

Neither I, nor Frank, say anything while we lay here. We just sort of layed there and did nothing. Just thought, I of him, and most likely he of me. We just layed in silence and thought of each other.

Frankie turned so he was on his side, and made my shoulder a pillow by resting his head on it. He took my fingers again and continued playing with them, only this time he stared at them intensely. Never breaking his gaze. His breathing deepened slowly and his fingers stop moving as he fell into a peaceful sleep.

I nuzzled futher into his hair, breathing in his scent as I wondered what I should do. Do I really like Frank or is it the attention he gives me that I like? The answer to that question is honestly what would be what decides what I am to do. The only bad thing is that I don't know the answer to that question.

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