Chapter 35

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The team had gone out of the last couple of nights to search all the Safehouses that the Ninth Circle used in Star City and found no trace of them. They thought that maybe the Ninth Circle had pulled back for a while to regroup being as though on of their higher ups had been taken and they were pretty sure that he had probably broke and told Team Arrow everything that he knew. Which he did.

"So, Emiko, do you think they would leave the city to regroup?" Oliver asked.

"It is what I would do, so yeah they probably did." Emiko said.

"Well, being as we haven't seen or heard from them in the last several nights, I will let anyone who wants to take off tonight do that." Oliver said and everyone moved for the exit of the bunker.

"So, what do you want to do tonight babe?" Laurel asked.

"Let's go home and spend some time with our son." Oliver said.

"I like that idea, So, let's get home and spend some time with that kiddo of ours. I also have some news to tell you." Laurel said Oliver nodded knowing that she wasn't going to tell him anything until later. They both walked to the door and got onto their motorcycles and drove home.

When they got home Conner was sitting on the couch watching a movie with the babysitter. He heard the door open, and he turned around to see both of his parents walking in the door.

"What are you to doing home so early?" Conner asked.

"We decided to come home early tonight and spend some time with you. What do you think of that?" Laurel asked.

"Yay! Do you want to watch this movie I am watching?" Conner asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Oliver asked.

"I got it out of your old Disney videos. It is called the Lion King." Conner said.

"Oh, I love that movie. It doesn't look like you are too far into it. Do you mind if we start it over?" Laurel asked.

"No, that is fine with me." Conner said.

"Thank you for staying with Conner tonight Christie. He had a lot of homework to do, and we both had work meetings, so he couldn't exactly go with us." Oliver said.

"It was fine. Thanks for thinking of me and if you ever need me to watch him again, I will be happy to. He is a good kid and I need to make some money before I go off to college next year." Christie said.

"We will keep that in mind. Thank you again." Laurel said as the girl left.

"Ok, so let's start this movie." Oliver said.

They watched the whole movie without saying much of anything to each other. They were just enjoying each other's company. Once the movie was over Oliver looked down at his son and saw that he was about to fall to sleep.

"Let's get you to bed buddy." Oliver said, picking up his son and taking him to his bedroom so that he could get ready for bed.

"Do I have to? I want to stay up with you and mommy." Conner said.

"Sorry, but it is already past your bedtime, and it is a school night." Oliver said.

"Ok, I will go to sleep." Conner said as he changed into his pajamas and went to brush his teeth.

Once he was done, he came back to his room and saw that both of his parents were waiting for him. They put Conner in the bed and tucked him in before reading him a story. When they were done, they kissed Conner goodnight and then went back to the living room.

"So, what was it that you wanted to tell me earlier?" Oliver asked.

"Oh, you know how I haven't been feeling the best in the world lately?" Laurel asked and Oliver nodded.

"Well, I was pretty sure that I knew what it was, but I just wanted to confirm it. I got the news back today and we are going to be having another kid in about eight months." Laurel said.

"That is great. I am glad that I get to be here for this one for their whole lives. I just wish I could have been here for Conner his whole life." Oliver said.

"That wasn't your fault babe. No one blames you for that. The only one to blame is Malcolm Merlyn and we fixed that problem." Laurel said.

"Thanks. I needed to hear that. I have always felt guilty for not being here with you." Oliver said.

"Well, it wasn't the best time in the world, but I made it through it, and it will be better this time with you here." Laurel said.

"I just hope if it is a girl, she is more like you, because a girl doesn't need to act like me now or like I used to act." Oliver said.

"You are a good man, Oliver. Sure, you might have an attitude problem sometimes, but other than that, she will be fine if she is like you." Laurel said.

"If you say so. So, what if it is another boy?" Oliver asked.

"I don't think it is going to be. When our kids picked up Sara and took her to Lian Yu to meet up with you, Sara said that there was a boy and a girl." Laurel said.

"Did Sara say a name?" Oliver asked.

"Not that I can remember. I would like to name her Olivia though." Laurel said.

"Seriously. Why would you want to name our daughter after me?" Oliver asked.

"Because there is no better person in the world to be named after and don't try to talk me out of this Ollie." Laurel said.

"Well, I guess I don't get a say in this then." Oliver said.

"Nope, you can have the middle name." Laurel said with a smile.

"Fine. So, what do you say to a little bit of celebrating then?" Oliver said.

"I like the way you think." Laurel said and they both made their way back to their bedroom and made love to celebrate the news of the new addition to their family.

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