Chapter 7

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They didn't have a lot of time for a big date tonight so Oliver, Laurel, Sara and Tommy met at Big Belly Burger to get a good meal in before the meeting with the team. They ordered their food and then went to sit down and talk while they waited for the food.

"Sorry, I know this isn't the best place for a date, but we have to be at the factory in a couple of hours and you know how some expensive restaurants can be. They don't seem to value people's time sometimes." Tommy said.

"Don't worry about it. This is more my thing anyways. You know I would rather be comfortable then wear a dress any day." Sara said.

"So, you aren't disappointed?" Tommy asked.

"Of course not. There is nothing better than eating a burger in casual clothes with a guy you like." Sara said.

"So, did you ever get in touch with that scientist friend of yours to work on replicating the cure that I gave to you the other day Laurel?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, I did. I just don't know if I should ship it to her or take it to her in person." Laurel said.

"Where does she work?" Sara said.

"STAR Labs in Central City. Her name is Caitlin Snow. I met her when I was visiting mom a couple of years ago and we try to keep in touch." Laurel said.

"It not really any hurry, we probably won't need it for another year or so anyways." Sara said.

"What kind of cure are you talking about?" Oliver asked.

"Oh, I went and found the cure for the Mirakuru on the Amazo so that we could replicate it." Sara said.

"Why would we need it? All of the Mirakuru is gone." Oliver said.

"Let's just say that an old friend is going to visit at some point, and we need to be ready, and that is all I am going to say for now." Sara said.

"Ok, I will let it go for now, but I am pretty sure I know who you are talking about." Oliver said and Sara nodded.

The waitress came to the table with their food, and they all enjoyed their meal and had light conversation while they were eating just like it hadn't been five years since they had done this together. Sara and Tommy were having a great time together, so it looked like they would most likely have a second date. Soon they were done eating, so they stayed for a little while longer and just talked about what they were planning to do with the team and what they needed to do to make the city a better place. They group was now traveling to the factory so that they could make it to the meeting on time.

When they arrived at the factory, Thea, Moira, Quentin, and two people Oliver didn't know were waiting for them. They all walked into the factory and walked to the door to the basement and walked down the stairs into the lair. As they were going down the steps, Emiko arrived, so she followed them down the stairs as well.

"You must be John Diggle and Roy Harper. It is nice to finally meet you." Oliver said.

"Nice to meet you as well." Diggle said as they shook hands.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." Roy said and shook Oliver's had as well.

"Ok, so first off, we need to get a plan for setting this place up. Does anyone have any ideas that they want to put out there?" Oliver asked.

"This place is a little cramp for so many people. Might be good to expand." Thea said.

"I think that can be worked out as we expand the upstairs, we can also do some work down here as well." Oliver said.

"You need more computers. You can't do this effectively with just one. I can get that taken care of soon." Moira said and Oliver nodded.

"What else do we need here?" Oliver asked.

"Medical supplies incase anyone is injured." Sara said and everyone nodded.

"How about a shooting range or something so we can practice or shooting whether it is with guns or whether it is archery?" Diggle asked and Oliver thought that was a good idea as well.

"I like that idea because we are going to have a lot of archers on the team and everyone else should have a gun just in case it is needed." Oliver said and everyone nodded.

"Anything else?" Oliver asked.

Everyone shook their head in the negative because they thought that this was a good starting point. They would get all of the things that they had just brought up and then they would see what else they needed.

"Mom, does QC have anyone in the applied sciences division that would be trustworthy enough to be brought in on this, so that we can get upgrades on our equipment when needed?" Oliver asked.

"I will look into that. I think I know someone there that we can trust." Moira said.

"I would like to meet with them. I have a few things that I would like to discuss." Oliver said.

"I will set up a meeting with him for you tomorrow. Can I ask what it is that you need upgraded?" Moira asked.

"I need my suit upgraded. It doesn't give me much protection right now. Emiko also needs an upgrade. All of they other suits are fine because they are made out of material that will block most any kind of weapon from getting through it." Oliver said and Moira nodded.

"Can I get measured for my suit?" Thea asked.

"Not yet Speedy. You haven't even started training yet. I know you will get there soon enough, but you don't need it yet. Plus, after we are done with you, you will look different, so it might not even fit you anyways." Oliver said.

"What do you mean I will look different?" Thea asked.

"Well, you will gain more muscle, so you will be a bit bigger than you are now." Oliver said.

"Ok, I guess that makes since. I will be your computer person until it is time for me to go out there with you." Thea said.

"I will be joining her with that." Tommy said as they both sat down at the computer and got to work on finding anything that warranted the vigilantes getting involved with.

"Everything looks pretty quiet out there right now." Thea said.

"Good, that means we can take down someone else that is on this list then." Oliver said as he took out his copy of the list and started looking at it.

"Can I make a suggestion?" Laurel asked.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" Oliver asked.

Laurel took the book from Oliver and looked through it. She found who she was looking for and then gave the book back to Oliver before saying, "We should go after Martin Sommers. I am going up against him in court right now. I need to find the link between him and the Triad. I know there is one, I just don't have the evidence to prove it as of right now."

"Looks like we have our next target. Everyone suit up and let's go find the information that Laurel needs to take this guy down." Oliver said and everyone who was going into the field went to get ready.

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