A - ok fine do we need anything else

Y - nope

We walked to the cash register and he paid like he said he would

Wo - good luck

Y - thank you

We left the store and got in Alex's car

A - are we gonna do it at your house

Y - yeah

He drove to my house and we quickly went upstairs to my room

Y - should we record it

A - sure

I got my camera and started recording

Y - ok today is sunday january 5 and I am gonna take my first pregnancy test

We walked to the bathroom

Y - here Alex hold the camera

I gave the camera to him and he was fixing his hair

Y - I'm gonna take the test real quick

A - ok

He gave me a quick kiss then I went to the bathroom. I took the test then put the lid on it and put it on the sink

A - *flips it facing down* we will wait 4 minutes until we can check it

Y - what time is it

A - 12:24

Y - ok

He put the camera down and grabbed my hands

A - do you want this to test positive or negative

Y - negative

A - really

Y - of course

A - well I kinda want it to be positive

Y - no way I cannot have a baby right now

A - fine whatever but what if it does test negative are you gonna keep it

Y - yeah I would hate to have an abortion especially since the baby can live a happy live

A - ok then

He kissed me and we started to
make out. We waited the 4 minutes

Y - you pick it up

A - *smiles*

He picked it up and showed the both of us

Y - *sighs*

A - not pregnant

Y - thank god

I hugged Alex and he picked me up

A - do you want to go to bed

Y - yeah

He put me down so I grabbed the camera then ended it. We laid on my bed watching a show

A - I'm bored

Y - me too

A - *yawns* what do you want to do

Y - we should...go to your house

A - why

Y - I don't know

A - fine come on

Y - let me get zelda

I git Zelda then we walked downstairs and my mom was there

M - what are you wearing

Y - clothes

M - where's the rest of your shirt

Y - upstairs on my bed I just didn't feel  like puttng it on

M - *glares* your funny

Y - I'm also gonna go to Alex's house bye

M - be back by 8 me and your dad are taking Anthony with us to a meeting and Manuel can't stay here alone

Y - *groans*

M - bye

I walked out with Alex following. We got in his car

A - we should have a meet and greet

Y - why

A - so we can meet everyone like just tell them to meet us somewhere

Y - we can go to the park

A - ok post it right now

I posted on everything saying to go meet us at (random park)

A - ok done

Y - me too

He kissed me then took off to the park. Once we got there we say like 5 people. We took pictures with all of them and they got to pet Zelda. Eventually 5 turned into 15 then 20 then 30


They sat down but it did not look like a circle

Y - I said a circle

They fixed it

A - what are we doing

Alex was sitting across from me

Y - lets play duck duck goose

Everyone - YEAH!

Y - ok who wants to be it first

A - you be it

Y - fine

I got up

Y - close the circle on my spot

They scoot closer

Y - ok

I starrted going around and stopped on this one girl


she started chasing me but I made it to my spot on time

Y - *laughs* your turn

She started going around

? - y/n

Y - what

? - *whispers in your ear* you should get Alex the next time

Y - I would automatically win

? - *laughs*

Y - ok ill do it the next time I'm picked

Just then I got pciked so I got up amd started chasing her but I couldnt get her. I started going around and picked Alex. He was chasing me then went the other way blocking off the spot

Y - *laughs* you can't do that

A - say's who

Y - ME!

He touched me

A - I WIN!


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Chapter for yesterday since I forgot

L is for love | a Blesiv StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora