Fresh Coat of Paint

Start from the beginning

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe it was because I sucker punched the blondie that night he shoved you to the ground. I punched him after he made the first move and gave me the black eye of course. Wasn't sure if you needed a reminder of that night or not-"

"Enough!" You yelled, "there has to be another reason."

Daniel's mouth contorted into mechanical laughter. "You've got to be kidding me. You really don't know?"

"Don't know what?" Despite your attempts to hide it, your heart began to race.

"Johnny is still in love with Ali."

Your breath hitched. Why were your palms sweating? Why was your head pounding? Your heart dropped to your toes at lightning speed. It couldn't be true... could it? But even then, why should you have cared?

"Wake up!" Daniel yelled as you stood in front of him, expressionless, "how can't you see that? It's so obvious!"

But as he shouted, you understood. Daniel was right. This whole time, Johnny had been after Ali.

That night he showed up at her door when you were watching the Outsiders, he was there for her. He told you on the Ferris wheel that he just wanted to apologize to her, but was that necessarily true? That night at the movies, you were sitting right next to her in the back of the truck. Had Johnny meant to hit you with the Milk Duds, or was he just trying to get Ali's attention? All of those deathly stares at Daniel, Johnny's constant need to attack and bully him.

It was all for Ali.

But Ali had told you that night in the back of the truck, that Johnny had liked you. She said that it was obvious.

But what if Johnny was just using you to make Ali jealous?

It was all just a game. You were simply his pawn.

Before you could think, your mouth did for you.

"Then let's fight back."

Daniel was taken aback. "I don't know why you're speaking for the both of us. Last time I checked, fighting back was what got me into this mess in the first place! I'm going home man."

He turned to walk away, but your shouts stopped him in his tracks.

"I want to get back at him!"

He turned back to you, intrigued. "Go on."

You swallowed. "Johnny has been playing games with me this whole time. I've played them before, I can play them again."

"Well what do you suggest we do?"

A small smirk rose from the pit of your gaining confidence. "We need to make Johnny believe I've forgiven him for everything he's done. I can make him think I'm on his side. In the meantime, you need to protect yourself. Chances are, he may come back for you. The element of surprise is our friend."

This plan began to settle on Daniel. He smiled, desperate to know more. "And how are we going to surprise him? I mean how can I protect myself? You refused to teach me karate."

You turned to Mr. Miyagi. He looked back at you, his eyes then traveling to Daniel's.

"I think this fence needs a new coat of paint, don't you think, Mr. Miyagi?"

He winked at you. "Hai."
As Daniel complained throughout the night, you corrected his form and made sure his movements were sharp and precise.

"It's just like the record shop," you said, "but it's up and down, not side to side."

"I don't understand how painting is going to help us outsmart the Cobras."

"You will." A smile spread on your face as you turned and walked toward Mr. Miyagi on the back porch of the house.

You expected him to smile, to compliment your ideas, but in return you only saw a hollow stare in Daniel's direction.

"Do you remember the lesson about balance?"

You hesitated. "Yes."

"I told you if you look for revenge this way, you start by digging two graves."

You said nothing, instead you waited for him to continue. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you fidgeted with your hands.

"Now," he turned to you, "you must dig three. One for you, for Daniel, and Johnny."

Your breath hitched as your gaze traveled back to Daniel. "It's not revenge..." you drifted, "I'm just playing the game. It's what he's always wanted."

"You give Johnny benefit of the doubt, hai. But be cautious of what game you are playing. As much of father I see in you, I see uncle too."

You turned your head to face him, your heart stopping. The feeling of built up tears of anger began to form in your throat.

Mr. Miyagi saw your hurt eyes and turned his head to face yours.

"I fear," he began, "you go down path of revenge, you follow in uncle's footsteps."

"But Mr. Miyagi-"

"Hai. I understand anger. But you must understand balance."

Thinking over his words, you turned back to Daniel. You didn't understand what the big deal was. There was an issue at hand that needed solved. Yes it was a form of revenge, but it was the only way to get the message through to Johnny. You wouldn't put up with his deceit anymore.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Miyagi," you sighed, defeated,
"but I won't just sit around and let Johnny treat Daniel like this. Or me."

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