First method

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once uppn a time in a house there lived a young boy  named justin bieber. He is a famous singer, but he thinks that singing baby baby oh its not his true passion... JUSTIN BIEBER HATES ROMANCE

jb: im bored i want to play a game
goes on play store oh what is this BanG Dream? it seems cool

justin installed it and played it.. but he found something that changed his life ROSELIA. they were all justin wanted to be. singing about being proud and cool and.... and.. all of that stuff

AND THERE WAS SOMETHING ELSE and it was the relationship and gay bond between yukina and sayo . when Justin saw them HE COULDN'T BELIEVE IT all of this time justin was pretending to be something he wasnt.... STRAIGHT

he realized he kins yukina and wants a boyfriend like sayo


"I... I want to become gay too!" he said. Justin thought for hours until he realized that it wasn't hard to become gay, all he had to do is join Roselia, but how???

The same day but at night in a call

JB: Hello, is this Yukina Minato?
Y: Yes. Who am I talking to?
JB: Oh... I didn't know you were real
Y: Huh?
JB: Nevermind, im just a little confused. Anyway, what I was trying to ask is that...
Y: Yes..?

Yukina didn't answer and hung up the phone. Justin Bieber was extremely sad. All his dreams were crushed...

Justin Biebers mind: fuck i hate baby baby oh

Justin Bieber tries to be gayWhere stories live. Discover now