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Clay also called Dream as a dumb nickname is an athletic football player who plays for 'Westside High School'. He's known as the school player. Something people don't know about him is that one, he's pansexual and two, once he actually falls in love he wouldn't do a single thing that could hurt the person and he would always protect them.

George also known as 'Emo Boy' is the schools troublemaker. He's always at some kind of party. Doesn't matter if it's a high school party or a college party he'll still go. He's a cheerleader at 'Westside High school'. Everyone wonders why someone like him, a troublemaker, would be a cheerleader. His friends Lyssie, Karl, Nikki, and, Wilbur know though. He's also known as a school player because of all his so-called "One night stands" but it's really just his drunken or high side that he has no control of. He's actually not even attracted to girls at all. He's gay. No one knows that of course. Probably because at 'Westside High School' any boy who kisses or fuck's a girl is straight. So he never really told anyone nor showed it.
George was woken up by yelling as always. Probably his siblings and mom fighting with his dad per usual. He groans sitting up and walking to his closet. He changes into a black hoodie and black ripped jeans with chains dangling from the pockets along with his belt. He then puts on his two silver nose earrings and black earrings before walking downstairs and out the front door ignoring his fathers yelling.

He sits at his front porch waiting for his friends to arrive. The yelling soon gets louder and he pulls out his earbuds from his pocket putting them in his ears playing music as loud as possible to block out the yelling. His friends soon pulled into the driveway and he sighs in relief standing up and walking to his friends Wilbur car. "Hey Georgie!" Lyssie greetings smiling. "How many times have I told you. Stop calling me Georgie." George says in a low, tired, annoyed voice.

"They fighting again George?" Nikki asks and George just nods as Karl, who was sitting next to him grabs his hand. "It'll be alright George. It'll all end soon...." Karl says, his usual soft or reassuring smile was nowhere to be seen. "Yeah? You say that everytime... It never happens." George replies gently gripping Karl's hand. "George stop doubting things. It will change. Trust us!" Lyssie reassures.

George rolls his eyes. He knew one day things would get better and that things would change for the better. He always doubted it though. He blamed it mostly on his overthinking and anxiety. "George. What were they arguing about this time?" Wilbur asks. He was the most mature, always keeping all of them in line..... at school at least. "I think my dad was threatening to do something and my moms defensive instincts kicked in along with Ginny and Georgia's. I don't know though." George responds as they drive down a road leading towards the school.
I don't know what this chapter is tbh- well um bye!! Hope you enjoyed!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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