Sir, This is a Wendy's Drive-Thru

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If says anyone saw a short green haired child running desperately through the crowds towards three pro heroes—they were lying. Izuku just happened to be running in the direction where the heroes were standing. He was not running towards them in need of their help. Nope, definitely not.

Obviously the universe did not give one flying fuck about his desires as one of the heroes stepped back and collided with the green haired child. 'Fuck your chicken strips!' Izuku threw up a mental middle finger to the universe.

"Oof!" Back in reality, Izuku fell on his butt as the air got knocked out of his lungs for a brief moment. 'Well this situation certainly seems familiar.' His mind traveled to the good times were his body hit—well, maybe he should just keep it PG.

Another grunt was heard from the hero that collided with the student-teacher. "Ouch."

Izuku gasped and opened his mouth like a dead fish, sucking in some much needed oxygen. The green haired boy suddenly remembered why he was running in the first place. 'Damn it, he'll catch me at this rate . . .'

"Are you okay?" A hand covered Izuku's vision and interrupted his thoughts. The curly haired devil looked up and blinked at the hero he ran into.

"Ooh~" Izuku lit up in recognition. "You're Kamui Woods!"

The very flammable hero that triggered Izuku's arson instincts stuck his very burnable hand on his very burnable neck. "Ah, yes I am. Did you get hurt when we ran into each other?"

'As expected of a top hero—so polite!' Izuku shook his head, "Physically I'm perfectly fine, mentally I was never okay. Anyways—"

Kamui blinked, processing what Izuku said.

"I would talk to you more to . . . try out a few things," the gleam the green eyed child had in his eyes sent shivers down the pro's spine. "But unfortunately I'm on a tight schedule; running from pro heroes and such. So I'll settle for your autograph."

Now a quick run down of what Izuku was wearing—from what was clearly visible, there was a very large trench coat with radiator glasses perched on top of his curly head. What was visible from his legs was something black and skin tight and on his feet were combat boots.

His hand reached into the pocket of the coat and pulled out a knife, he looked at it, clicked his tongue and put it back before pulling out a pen. 'That's for later, why the hell did I put so many knives in here?' He reached his other hand in his pockets and pulled out a piece of . . . parchment?

From the gleam in Izuku's eyes, the pro hero didn't really want to confirm what it was. He took the pen and disturbing parchment and signed it—his eyes flickering to the innocently smiling boy.

"Um, here you go . . ." He handed the pen back to Izuku as the parchment was snatched away as well.

"Thanks! I'll remember you when I go to dominate the world—I mean become a famous person," Izuku quickly moved on past his former words, leaving the hero once again uneasy. 'Am I going to see this kid on TV? Or in jail?' Izuku wagged his finger and grinned. "Don't worry Mr Kamui Woods, I won't go to jail. Maybe a mental asylum, but not jail."

With a last wink at the very concerned pro hero, Izuku began us escape once again. After Izuku became out of reach, it occurred to Kamui that he didn't even know the teenager's name.

Back to the very suspicious but hot looking short boy. . . During his brief conversation with the Pinocchio hero, he could hear a light commotion going on in the background. Namely, he could feel Aizawa's wrath and the people moving out of the way because of it.

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