Part 4

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Part 4

They were meant by Carlisle who was watching them and he opened the door when his daughter entered.

Jacob: *to Carlisle* is it true?
Carlisle: hello, Jacob, how are you?
Jacob: Listen, just give it to me straight
Bella: Jacob, is that you
Jacob: she's here?
Carlisle: they came home two weeks ago
Jacob: 2 weeks ago *gives Kimberly look*
Kim: don't be mad at me, I couldn't say anything

Jacob shakes his head at her and heads upstairs

Kim looks at her father.

Kim: I told you he would be angry! *follows after him* Jake wait!
Carlisle: *follows as well* Jacob!

Jacob stops to see Rosalie hiding in front of Bella, and Edward standing awkwardly at the side Jasper, Alice and Emmett.

Kim: Jacob... I'm sorry
Jacob: you lied to me for 2 weeks Kimberly
Kim: you have to understand...
Bella: I told her to lie to you, it isn't her fault. I'm just glad you came
Rosalie: close enough
Jacob: what's your problem?
Bella: Rose, it's okay

Rosalie moves away to reveal Bella and Jacob sat down.

Jacob: you look terrible
Bella: yeah, it's not to see you too
Jacob: so, are you going tell me what's wrong with you?
Bella: Rose, wanna help me up?

When Bella got up, it revealed her pregnancy belly.

Jacob looked shocked and everyone was waiting on his reaction and then he looked angry at Edward.

Jacob: you did this!

Emmett stopped him before he headed toward Edward.

Carlisle: we didn't know if it was even possible
Jacob: *takes Emmett hand off him* what is it?
Carlisle: I am not sure. Ultrasounds are needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac
Alice: I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore.
Carlisle: we've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing
Jacob: why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!
Rosalie: this is none of your business, dog
Esme: Rose! All this fighting isn't good for Bella
Alice: the fetus isn't good for Bella
Rosalie: say the word, Alice. "baby." It's just a little baby.
Emmett: Possibly
Jacob: Carlisle, you've got to do something
Bella: no. It's not his decision. It's not any of yours
Edward: Jacob, I need to talk to you *leaves room*

Jacob looks at everyone in the room including Kimberly who was standing by her mother through the whole thing. She gave him a small smile before he left after him.

Jacob and Edward were talking outside by the woods.

Jacob: I always knew you'd destroy her.
Edward: She thinks Carlisle can turn her at the last minute, like he did for me and Esme.
Jacob: Can he?
Edward: The probability slight. And if her heart fails...

He doesn't finish his sentence.

Edward: Look, Jacob, I need you to do something for me.

Jacob gives a bitter laugh and turns from him.

Edward: For her. You have a connection with her that I'll never understand. Maybe you could talk to her, change her mind. You could keep her alive.
Jacob: And if I can't?
Edward: If she dies, you get what you always wanted. To kill me.

Jacob finds Kimberly when he comes back in the house with Edward.

Kim: is everything okay
Jacob: I'm sorry *hugs her* I know it's not your fault
Kim: *hugs him back* I love you
Jacob: what?
Kim: *pulls away* nothing
Jacob: I'm pretty sure you said the 3 words
Kim: I did not
Jacob: Kimberly...
Kim: okay, I said it! I love you Jacob Black. Is that all you want to hear from me!

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