Part ll {Part 5}

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Part ll {Part 5}

Bella and Edward drive up to the Denali's house, Edward gets out of the car and walks up to them.

Tanya: Edward, is everything all right? Why didn't you tell us you were coming?
Carmen: Is it lrina? Have you heard from her?
Edward: Not directly.
Eleazar: Why is your bride waiting in the car?
Kate: And why have you brought a wolf with you? I can smell him from here.
Edward: My family is in danger. I need your help.
Carmen: What's happened?
Edward: It's hard to explain but I need you to be open-minded. Can you do that?
Tanya: Of course.

Bella, Seth and Renesmee wait in the car as Edward talks to the Denali's, Bella turns to Renesmee.

Bella: Okay. Time to meet some new people.
Renesmee: What if they don't like me?
Seth: They'll love you.
Bella: They will. Once they understand you.
Seth: They just haven't met anyone like you before.
Bella: Okay.

They all get out the car and the Denali's are immediately shocked at seeing Renesmee.

Kate: The Volturi will come for all of us.
Tanya: You get that thing out of here.
Edward: She's not what she looks like.
Tanya: This is a crime!

Tanya suddenly att*cks Edward and he quickly pushes her aside, Kate then att*cks Edward but Bella quickly jumps in and throws Kate aside, then both Kate and Tanya move to att*ck Edward and Bella.

Bella: Stay back!
Edward: She has blood in her veins. You can feel her warmth.
Carmen: I can feel it.
Edward: I'm her biological father. Bella is her mother.
Kate: lmpossible.
Bella: It's true. She was born while I was still human.
Eleazar: I've never heard of such a thing.
Edward: She can show you, if you let her.

As Jacob brings Renesmee towards the Denali's.

Edward: Tanya, you owe us this much. We're all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain.

Seth brings Renesmee closer to Tanya, Renesmee goes to place her hand on Tanya's cheek.

Bella: Don't be afraid. This is how she communicates.

(Renesmee touches Tanya's cheek, letting her feel her memories, Tanya suddenly understands and turns to her family)

Tanya: It's true. She's not immortal.

Bella (V.O.): I knew the rest of our family would face this fear as well. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the Volturi.

With Kimberly:
Carlisle, Kimberly, Jacob and Esme visit another vampire family in Egypt)

Carlisle: Amun, please!
Amun: I cannot help you, Carlisle.
Carlisle: I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent.
Amun: You must go.

Suddenly Amun's son, Benjamin uses his powers to make the water in their small house pool rise up like a wall to block the doorway. Kimberly and Jacob were amazed.

Benjamin: I'd like to hear about it. I never get to meet any of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden.
Kimberly: I know the feeling
Carlisle: I can't imagine why. *looks at his daughter*

(Benjamin makes the water fall back into the pool, and he walks up to Carlisle and they shake hands)

Carlisle: Carlisle.

Benjamin: Benjamin.
Carlisle: this is my wife Esme and our daughter Kimberly and her boyfriend Jacob
Amun: daughter? She's human
Kimberly: werewolf actually *shows eye change and hold hands with Jacob*
Amun: Carlisle you're with enemies
Carlisle: our daughter was born human and then we discovered later on that she was apart of a tribe
Jacob: my tribe, and then I fell in love with her

Count Me In: Fearless | Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora