Chapter 15 - Not asking for help

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That night, Angel walked into her parent's house, smiling at Rosa and then gave her mom a kiss. God, she was really dreading this talk, although she needed it to be done. She trusted no one but Jr in this. Anything could go wrong and she needed to have those who had her back behind her. But she also knew that computer programs weren't untraceable and anyone could follow Jr's tracking, and therefore he would be in trouble.

"Mamma, dov'è papà (Mama, where is dad)?"

"In the office, sweetie."

"Thanks," she called out to her mom as she walked to the back part of the house where his office was. She took a deep breath, knocked, and waited for him to call 'enter'. Once he did, she slowly opened the door and smiled. "Hey dad," she said as she walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Angelina," he said, motioning for her to sit down. "Dinner isn't until later, what brings you by?"

"Well," she started, leaning back in the chair and crossing her legs, "I had Ric look over something for me. And now he and I have reached a dead end."

"You need my help." She blinked as he interrupted her and was taking back with both the statement and the action.

"What? No, I don't need your help. What I was going to say..."

"Why else would you be here, asking me anything?" Angel took a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth. She had no clue why her dad was being like this and being rude, but she had to be careful or she was likely to blow a fuse.

"I'm not asking anything of you. Now, please let me finish. What..."

"You must be asking me something or you wouldn't be here."

"Who do you think you are?!" she roared, standing up from her chair. "You might be my dad, and I love you, but I am the Don now and you will show me some damn respect!"

"Sit down! Don't you dare talk to me like that?"

"Oh, but its okay for you to disrespect me? Had anyone done that to you, father, you would have had a knife to their throat. I'm respecting you enough to only tell you to chiuda quella bocca (shut the hell up)!"

"Angelina," her mother cried out as she entered the room, followed by Rosa and Jr. "You don't get to talk to your father that way. Apologize right now."

"In most cases, mom, I would but now, not after this. He knew what he was doing and I don't care who he is! Any rule that applies to the mafia family in the way of respect applies to him too; former Don or not. In fact, as such, I'm rather appalled at how he acted." She grabbed her bag that held the folder and stood up.

"Angelina, I will not tolerate you speaking to me..."

"No, Anotino, I won't allow you to speak to me that way," she told him in that calm, soft spoken tone she had and her dad flinched back as if he was slapped. Actually he was; a verbal slap could be just as hard to stomach as a real slap. "I came to be respectful to you in letting you know I needed my brother's help, not yours." She turned her back on her dad, her hands fisted together, trying to stop their shaking. "Jr?"

"Yes sis?" He looked at her, his brow wrinkled in confusion. Nothing had ever been asked of him before and he knew this was a loop for him.

"I will not allow you to ask my son anything." Angel glanced at her dad over her shoulder and shrugged.

"Jr is not a made man, he can say no to the job offer. But he is an adult and therefore you can't stop him." She turned back and looked at her brother. "I won't discuss this here, but if you want more information about the job I have that would require your amazing skills, then please swing by my office tomorrow and I will discuss it then." With that she walked out of the room and grabbed her jacket, slipping it on.

"Angelina, you can't leave, dinner is almost ready and Rio and Gio will be here soon." The door opened up as her mom finished speaking and her brothers walked through the front door.

"I won't stay, sorry mom. This is a family dinner you will just have to have without me." Angel kissed her mom's cheek and then passed by her brothers, quickly walking out to her car.

"Angel, wait." She didn't look up as she unlocked her car but she did wait to get in until Ric got to her. "What happened?"

"Ask the stronzo (asshole) that is lucky enough I don't cut out his God damn tongue for talking to me like he did. In this case," she said, seeing Ric's confused face, "the man in question is damn lucky that he is my dad." Ric opened his eyes wide at the form of disrespect.

"Angel," he started but she cut him off.

"There is nothing you can say. I am the Don and he was in the wrong. Why not ask him over dinner because I'm sure he will paint me in the worst light." With that, she got in the car, leaving her brother standing on the curb.


Ric watched the taillights of the car fade away, his mind spinning. He had never heard his sister talk like that before, but he wasn't sure he had seen that type of anger before either. He was more than curious about what happened, but he wasn't sure how open his dad would be.

"Ricardo." He glanced up as his dad called him and waved him over. "Come in son." Ric wasn't sure he wanted to but he knew his dad wasn't going to leave him much of a choice, so he finally turned and headed up the front steps.

"Yeah dad?"

"What did she tell you," he said as he clapped Ric on the back and led him back to his office. God, what she said were words he did not want to repeat to his dad, but he knew his dad was leaving him no choice either.

"She, uh..." He stopped, still not quite sure how to word anything.

"I won't be mad."

"She said you were lucky that you were her dad because otherwise she would have cut your tongue out for the way you were treating her." He paused as he looked at his dad. "Want to explain what happened?"

"Want to, no. But will I, yes. Have a seat," his dad said and Ric took the chair. "I was in the wrong and she had every right to call me out. It was all me. When she came in here, all business like, I should have given her the respect she deservers as a Don, instead I fucked up and saw my little girl who needed me, or I thought she did and treated her that way.

"I did this and I know it, now as my Don I hope she can forgive me." Ric stared at his dad in total amazement. Not once, in all the years that they had trained, had his father even been so disrespectful to Angel, so why now?

"Why this time? What was the trigger that set you off to treat her that way?'

"No good excuse but me being stupid. I blurred the line of dad and Don and saw my baby girl and wanted to help, that's it, that simple." Ric stood up and patted his dad's shoulder. He wanted to tell his dad it was simple and it would be an easy fix. But they both knew that was it wouldn't be. Apologizing to a daughter was easy, apologizing to the Don, not so much.

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