Chapter 5 - Black tie affair

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"What are you doing here?" Damian asked as he walked out of his office and saw Angel there with a few of her men who had been hanging out for the week.

"I can't let my men have all the fun." She smiled and he had to grin as he looked her over in her black slacks, her heels and the green tank top blouse she was wearing. "I have a problem with keeping my nose out of all my businesses."

"So, you are here to learn?"

"If you don't mind? I mean, se ti dà il dito (if it bothers you)..."

"No, you are fine." He offered her a smile and went back to the business he was going over, trying his best to ignore the smell of her soft perfume or the way his body seemed to slightly heat up with her around. She kept on with a keen eye and he had to say he was impressed with her.

Nine hours later, he walked out of his office with Angel; again, quite in awe over her. She was sharp, asking questions that none of her men had even thought of, or any that he would think to ask. He liked how she thought outside of the box. He could see her pushing far and he would be proud of her from the sidelines. In fact, he let his mind wander even a touch more and thought about a future, how as his wife, knowing what she knew, she might push him. In fact, if anything was to happen, would she stay on wanting to have her own business?

"Did you..." he trailed off as he glanced at her, her eyes darting around. "Angel, Cos'è (what is it)?"

"Are we the last ones here?"

" (yes)."

"Cleaning staff?"

"Doesn't come for another hour," he answered. She withdrew the gun she had tucked away in her waist band that he didn't noticed.

"We aren't alone. Please, do what I say and don't question anything." All he could do was nod; knowing now was not the time to question, after all, this was her element.

Her eyes kept dancing around, the hair on both her neck and her arms standing on end. She knew she heard noises and could feel the eyes on them, but she couldn't pick up from where. She glanced down at her gun, making sure the safety was on, her hand not even shaking.

"Do you have any idea who might be causing you problems?" she asked him.

"Pick. I've created many enemies as I've built up the business and put others under." She lifted a brow and glanced outside as they got to the door.

"I'm not seeing anyone, but stay here." She slowly pushed the door open and heard the shots. Quickly, she turned in that direction and fired two shots, not even flinching. Damian watched her, a smirk on his face.

She waited a moment before standing fully up and walked out, not hearing anything. She walked over to the side of the building, looking around, hearing nor seeing nothing. Finally, she looked down on the ground, seeing the shell casings and picked them up. Angel walked back over, sliding her gun back behind her back.

"There was no one there, but I found some casings. I'm going to swing them by my friends; he can run some tests on them."

"You are very cool and collected with that gun."

"When I started my training, I was 13, but I always thought I would just be a second. I was told, though, that a gun, a knife, or any weapon for that matter, needs to be a part of you, an extension. You should be just as comfortable with that as you are your hand."

"That makes sense. I've had gun training, but nothing to your degree."

"Every one of us had to train. Just some more than others, like me and Ric, since he's my second in command."

"Does anything make you uncomfortable?" She tiled her head as she walked to her car. He opened the door for as she unlocked it and smiled at him.

"Uomini meravigliosi (gorgeous men)."


She stared at her computer screen in her office as she looked through Damian's business. His grandfather had started it and it had been passed down, each man expanding it and making it excel. Theirs wasn't the only trading company, but it had become the strongest, and as of right now, the wealthiest. Which was in part, why Angel thought the contract was ideal.

It was obvious Damian had made enemies and she had no trouble in helping them, but she wanted only the best to help her with the trading side. So, when Rafael came to his friend and asked, Antonio went to talk to her and she quickly thought of this. Their last name behind anyone was enough to give others pause. At least, it would if people stopped doubting her. The hope was that, that would be enough, but if not; it was okay too, since they had the manpower behind it.

Angel looked through a few more files before closing the stuff and leaned back in her seat, tapping her pen on the desk. Of course, it was always easier to protect someone if you knew who to protect them from. That list, however, could be longer than even Damian thought. Angel looked up as she saw movement at the door and smiled at her mother.

"Hello Angelina."

"Hi mamma (mom), come on in."

"Grazie (thank you)." Carolina walked into the office and sat down in one of the chairs before Angel's desk. Yes, she was the next Don to the families, but she still had a few other businesses that she alone owned, and had a main office downtown.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, mom?"

"I was having lunch with Cece and thought I'd stop in to see how you were?" Angel eyed her mother, a brow lifting slightly.

"I love you mom, but you never stop in to see me. So, what do I owe this pleasure to?" she asked again.

"Is is a crime to see my beautiful, hard working bambina (girl)?"

"It's not at all; I'm just the last one you stop by to see." Angel stood up and kissed her mom's cheek. "Now...."

"Va bene, sei proprio come tuo padre (fine, you are so much like your father)."

"I take that in the highest regard."

"There is a party tomorrow night, at the Ritz, I want you to go. You need to go." And there it was. Any party at the Ritz was a black tie affair.

"I don't have a date."

"Nessun problema (no worries)," she said, waving her hand. "You just need to be there." Her father maybe the head at this moment, and Angel next in line, but you did not ignore an order from Carolina Bellalini.

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