Chapter 12 - 'My God damn city'

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"I apologize Damian, if you will please go back with my..." she paused and her eyes opened wide and it was clear the thoughts going through her mind but before he could stop her, she started again. "If you could go back to the VIP section while I handle this. I need to go take care of my realm. Frank will show you the way."

"Of course." She nodded and left him alone. He stood there for a few moments though, making no move to follow Frank as his mind was still replaying that fucking hot ass kiss and he sure didn't want to let it go.


She watched the two young thugs for a few moments before she walked over, tapping the one who looked to be in charge on the shoulder. He turned around, his eyes traveling up from her heels, over her legs, hips, breasts and throat, and finally rested on her eyes.

"Hey baby, what can I do you for?"

"I don't want what you're selling, I just want you," she said, stepping closer to him, "to meet outside," her voice dropping to an enticing notch.

"You aren't a bad looking chick, and I could use a good fuck, so led the way." Angel turned on her heel, her eyes catching a few of her men as she walked outside, the men following as well. She knew these kids, knew who they worked for and it was time to send a message; she was tired of being fucking disrespected by that God damn prick and his little boys. LA was her fucking town, and everyone knew it, she was done playing nice with everyone.

She stopped and then turned around to face him, a smile on her lips. It had been a while since she gave a good ass kicking; she was looking forward to it. The kid looked around and then looked back at her as she stopped and he raised a brow.

"Can't say I've had a crowd before, but I'm down if that turns you on." She walked over to him, a hand running down his chest, her eyes looking into his.

"What turns me on," she whispered, her hand moving downward over his stomach. She paused as she heard the door open and Damian poked his head out. This wasn't something she wanted him to see but let him see another fraction of what she was; maybe he would see she wasn't a nice one to be involved in. "What I crave," she started again, this time gripping his dick and holding it firmly, bringing him to his knees, "is God damn power."

"You bitch," he gasped out. At that, she twisted her hand and he yelled, a devilish smile overtaking her lips.

"I'm the fuckin' Don, not a bitch." His eyes opened wide and before his friend moved a step forward, she had her gun trained on him. "You, asshole, do not get to come into my club and deal your little shit." She let his dick go and he fell forward on his hands. "Tienilo (hold him)," she told the men that had come out with her, "just as he is." Two men grabbed him and held his arms, making sure his hand was out.

"You will regret this," the man before her gritted out. She lifted a brow and knelled down before the man, her finger lifting his chin up.

"Now," she said, "listen well because you will take a message back to your cock sucking boss."

"Lady, you are so fucked," the other man said, flaming her anger even more. Within a blink of an eye, Angel was up, had spun around, her knife out and digging into the other guys cheek, right below his left eye.

"Care to tell me how fucked I am again? Next time, I'm cutting something off; a finger, a tongue, a dick, doesn't matter to me." She yanked out the knife, wiped the blood on his shirt and walked back to the man on the ground. "As I was saying, George," the man lifted his head as he looked at her. "I know who you are, and you will tell your boss know that I do not take kindly to people doing their fucking business in my place. LA is my God damn town and he needs to stop fucking with me."

"I won't say shit to him and you can go fuck yourself." She smiled as she looked down at him.

"I was hoping you would say that." The men of hers grinned and she lifted her foot, bringing her heel down on his fingers, not only breaking the bone but piercing the skin. He screamed and the men looked at her, asking if she wanted them to let him go. "I find you in my bar again," she said as she kneeled back down, another knife in her hand, "I will kill you." With that, she jammed the knife through his injured hand. "My message doesn't get passed on," she flicked her eyes upward and with a second knife, sent it sailing through the air and into the others guy's hand, "I'll have my fun torturing you both and then passing on my message to your boss with bits and pieces of your body.

"No little fucking street gang and no God damn cartel run LA, I do. And I don't mind doing business but I will be fucking respected while it's being done." With that, she stood up and waved at her men to take the two guys away.

"Think that was wise?" Angel watched the men being hauled away before she cast a glance over her shoulder at Ric.

"My God damn city. I'm passed the bull shit of being disrespected. I take it from the families and the thugs but I will not take it from my men. So, Ric, if you have something to say, fucking open your mouth and say it." Ric held up his hands and took a step back, not wanting to piss her off anymore than she was.

"Sorry Boss, I was just making sure you were aware of the war you may be causing."

"I know Ric, but do I stand for this and let them make fun of me?"

"Of course not."

"Then I have to make them see. It's bad enough I'm going to have to take on other people and their shit."

Ric nodded and mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"No, you're not. But go back in."

"What are you going to do now?" Her head turned and she looked at the man who had walked outside.

"Find out why that man didn't listen to me," she said, nodding her head at Damian.

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