I can feel a tear slide down my cheek, as I think about last time I was sure I lost Anna. I’ve nearly lost her twice. I can’t bear to lose her a third time. As these thoughts pass through my mind, I hear a loud blast. My gaze snaps in the direction of the castle. A large tornado like form of snow and ice rises above the castle. It swirls above Arendelle, creating blistering winds. The snow begins to come in our direction.

“We have to go.” I murmur.

I snap the reins and my horse gallops towards the castle, Hans following. The snow is already beginning to pile up. My horse’s hooves drag snow onto the cobblestone bridge. I dismount quickly, nearly falling in the process. I look up at the gate keepers, but see no one. The gate is down, which is unusual.

“I told you, something’s up.” I whisper under my breath.

I walk around the gate keeper’s tower, and try to push open the door that leads to the top. It’s locked. I back up, raise my hands, and feel the ice leave my fingertips. It freezes the hinges, and I ram my shoulder into the door. It creaks, but doesn’t open. I try one more time to no avail.

“Here, let me.” Hans says.

I move aside, and Hans rams his shoulder into the door. It creaks more. He goes to reach for his sword, but it isn’t there.

“Hans, where’s your sword?” I inquire nervously.

“The sorceress most likely has it at the moment.” He explains, ramming into the door yet again.

“You were planning on going against her without a sword?” I hiss in shock.

“Of course not. I was going to get one from the armory.” He rolls his eyes childishly.

He rams into it once more, and it busts open. I smile in approval. I lead the way, seeming as at the moment, I have more power. I near the door to the top of the tower. I’m cautious, but there’s no need. No one is up here. Except, two carcasses, that is. I gasp, covering my mouth.

“She killed them.” I breathe out.

Hans walks to one of the bodies and puts a hand to his neck. He rises without another word, proving my theory.

“Well…” I don’t know what to say exactly. “I suppose we should continue. Hans, you should probably get the swords.” I tell him.

He picks up the two swords, and hands one to me.

“No, I ‘m not going to use that.” I reply, taking into realization that I won’t need it with my powers.

“Please, it will make me feel a lot better.” He begs.

I hesitate and then reluctantly take the sword in my hands.

“Thank you.” He smiles.

I nod. “Okay, so, you go into the castle and try your best to avoid the sorceress. If you should happen to meet her, act like everything is normal. I want to you find Emma and the other children and get them out of here. I’ll take care of Anna, Kristoff, Rapunzel, and Eugene. Then I’ll take care of the sorceress.” I explain my plan a little more clearly.

“What about Elisabeth?” He inquires.

“I’ll have Anna get Elisabeth out.” I answer. “You’ll have Nikolaus, Kristin, and Alexander to worry about. Just promise me you’ll get them out safe.” I beg.

“What about you, Elsa.” He ask warily, worrying about me.

“Promise me.” I repeat.

“Elsa…” he starts.

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