The phone calls

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Still Jungkook's POV 

Since my conversation with Namjoon hyung the day before, and the dinner I had that night with Randa, I decided I needed to make a phone call. She was sound asleep next to me, and as much as I didn't want to leave her side I knew I needed to call, so I got off my bed as quietly as possible and took my phone with me to the guest room. 

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, sorry sir, I didn't mean to wake you"

"That's okay kook-ah, what do you need?"

"Okay..I um.. I was wondering, if Randa agrees to moving here, would you employ her and her sister? They'd get a working and long term visa, while she completes what she needs for citizenship. I haven't talked to her about it because I'm not sure how it works. I looked it up and did some research earlier right after she fell asleep, I'm not sure what they'd be qualified to do. I know she does secretary work and her sister is graduating to be a teacher but she doesn't speak Korean. But I guess that wouldn't matter too much in terms of citizenship because her familial tie would be Randa who even though she was her sister, she's legally her mother, I hate asking you but the company is so big I'm sure we could put them somewhere and they'll actually work! Especially Miranda, she's so driven and such a good worker and she's done so well for herself and I just don't want her to go home and not come back, I'm terrified after I talked to Namjoonie hyung and I don-"

"Relax, and breathe" he chuckled and yawned "you woke me up so give me a minute to collect my thoughts" 

"I'm sorry hyung-nim" 

"Don't be sorry, I'd do anything for you boys you know that"

"I do, I just wish I could have called earlier" 

"Now, my first question, I'm not going to hire them and give them jobs and salaries just for the sake of it being on paper. Are you sure they'll actually work?" 


"Second question, you haven't talked to her about this yet, so are you sure you want this? Will she say yes?"

"In all of the years you've known me, I have never asked a single favor, ever. Whether it was my pride, or I thought it was stupid, or whatever. I've never asked for anything. But, I'm asking for this" 

"I know" he chuckled "but, I still needed to ask"

"As far as Randa is concerned, I can only hope she wants this as much as I do. I love her, I want to marry her, and she said we'd work on this together and I understand if she needs time or whatever else but I need to let her know that this is an option. I want to have my facts straight before I impulsively ask her to move. She'd be giving up her life back home for me" 

"From what you've told me, it's only her and her sister. What would she be leaving behind?"

"I don't know.. her comfort I guess?"

"Is she really comfortable though?"

"No" I mumbled and shook my head "I know she isn't" 

"Don't doubt yourself. You're always so hard on yourself and don't understand how amazing you are kook, everyone tells you these things but you need to feel it for yourself. Sure, she'd leave her home, but she would have you. And I think that's more than enough. I'll help you out in any way I can okay? I'll need to talk to her one on one about the job, and her sister and see what strings I can pull on okay?" 

"You mean that?"

"Absolutely. I know how stubborn you are. But I also know how smart you are. If this girl isn't the end game for you, you wouldn't have called me in the middle of the night practically ready to sell your soul for her" he chuckled making me smile and blush "one more question? I know you're smart. I know you don't let people take advantage of you, but I have to ask, has sh-"

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