Y/n nodded, "okay, well thanks for letting me know. Oh! And thanks for paying for my flight. That was very kind of you!"

"Oh yeah for sure!"

This poor girl has no idea she's just a pawn in my scheme. I'll beat Kusuo this time.

"Alright," he smiled, "bye now."

Y/n smiled back, "bye!"

She shut the door and her smile dropped, I know now motherfucker.

~Slight Timeskip~
"And that's pretty much all you need to know about Dark Reunion."

"Wow. I had no idea..."

Geez, Saiki wasn't kidding when he said this guy was delusional.

Y/n must think I'm so cool! Kaido thought as he ate his breakfast.

Trust me man....I don't.

Y/n had opted to keeping her earrings off. If she was going to ruin this scheme, she had to know exactly what Kusuke was thinking.

Luckily for her, everything seemed normal.

"Hey Y/n, can you pass me the salt?" Nendo said admiring his plate of food.

Y/n snapped out of her thinking and nodded, "of course here you go."

As she handed him the salt, she sighed.

You poor sweet guy. There is nothing hiding behind that head of yours is there.

Nendo took the salt and promptly shook it onto his food.

Suddenly, Kusuke barged through the door. Bags were thrown over their heads and all three of them were beginning to be pushed out the door.

"Ah! What is this?" Kaido freaked.

"Don't worry!" Kusuke reassured, "it's just to surprise Kusuo."

What an odd way of doing it.

"We're doing a scavenger hunt and you guys..."

Will be the bait.

"...will be some of the answers!"

~Slight Timeskip~
Y/n looked around the room, Kusuke had dropped her off in.

He had separated her and the boys and she was beginning to worry about them.

She could easily survive on her own but could they?

Y/n looked up and spotted a camera.

He's filming this?!

Y/n frowned. She could leave now and beat the crap out of him for making her participate in this stupid game.

Her anger stopped as she was now overwhelmed by the feeling of defeat.

If she beat the crap out of him, he won't want to help her. All she could do was sit and wait.

Saiki's POV:
Saiki couldn't believe his eyes. His brother had done it again, but this time Y/n was involved.

He rushed to his brother angrily as Kusuke just smiled at him like an idiot.

"What's wrong brother? Afraid you might lose?"

Saiki gritted his teeth before relaxing his body. He looked back up at the cameras and noticed something odd.

He leaned in closer and saw that Y/n didn't have her earrings on.

She must know what's going on. Good to know she's not in the dark about this.

He looked to the video of Nendo and Kaido who seemed to be arguing about something.

"Alright, here's your first clue."

Y/N's POV:
Y/n examined the several books that were on the shelves. They looked like they were originals.

These were also no props. The spines had been cracked and there were several notes in the margins.

Y/n flipped through Alice in Wonderland, casually walking around the room.

She stopped on the page with the Cheshire Cat and ran her fingers through the highlighted text.

"How do you know I'm not mad?" Said Alice,
Y/n read, "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Y/n looked up. She eyed the camera from the corner of her eye.

He knows. She thought. Or maybe he's trying to fool me. Could it be that the only highlighted text in the book was directed towards me? No. He wouldn't have brought me here, it would ruin his game.

Suddenly the book slipped through Y/n's fingers and dropped onto the carpet.

Y/n gasped and looked down at her hands that were flashing in and out of invisibility.

Oh no. Not today. Any day but today.

Kusuke's POV:
Kusuke rubbed his eyes and cocked his head at the screen.

"Is this girl going in and out of invisibility?"

He looked over at another screen which had Saiki running to a nearby shop for his next clue.

Kusuke smirked, "this game just got interesting."

A/N: hey y'all sorry for the late update! Halfway through writing this last week, I realized that this shit happened in season one. I still wanted to include it because it's a major plot point so I spent most of the weekend editing it to fit the timeline. Also since I'm an idiot, you can clearly see I wrote around any of the details of the game Saiki and his brother are playing. Anyway, everything should be back to normal this Friday.

copycat ~ k. saiki x fem readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ