Even More Secrets

Start from the beginning

"You like it?" Mr. Lewis asked as he and Leonard removed their shoes.

Lilly faced them and nodded.  "It's alright.  I've seen bigger and more extravagent places."

Robert scoffed in amusement.  "Is there no impressing you, Mrs. Morgan?" he asked.

Lilly chuckled.  "Well, after visiting Buckingham Palace for the thousandth time, being offered ownership of the Kremlin in Russia, and spending a week at a prince's palace in India, I guess I'm a little hard to please," she explained, pulling off her boots.  "Now where's this arsenal of weapons you have at your disposal?"

Mr. Lewis pointed up the stairs.  "Up the stairs.  Ladies first."

Lilly shook her head.  "Nu uh.  One, I ain't a lady.  Two, ya boys go first.  I dunna trust either one of yas tah not stab me in the back or somethin' of the like."

Robert cackled loudly.  "Oh, come now, Mrs. Morgan.  Surely I haven't done anything for you to suspect that I would kill you," he said with a wink.

Lilly snatched up one of her knives and aimed it at Robert.  "Let's agree to disagree.  Go."

The man raised a brow.  "Well, how do I know you won't stab me in the back?"

"If ya know anythin' about me, Mr. Lewis, then ya know that I am god awful at lyin'.  So believe me when I say I have no interest in killin' ya.  Yet."

Robert smiled softly then he looked at Leonard.  "Isn't she something?" he asked before turning and trudging up the stairs.  "C'mon, you two.  We have hunting to do."

Leonard followed Robert but not before giving Lilly a wary eye.  Lilly sheathed her knife and followed the men up the stairs.  After going down the hallway and making a left at the corner, Robert led them to one of the master bedrooms and opened the door.  They walked in one at a time, Lilly at the end of the train.  She gazed around at the room and made a face of approval.

More Asian paintings, oriental rugs, a giant bed with an extravagantly designed bed frame with the mattress covered colored sheets and blankets of various blues, greens and purples, more oriental rugs, another marble fireplace, a giant glass door that led to part of the terrace, a master bathroom, a large walk in closet, nightstands, dressers, and one giant trunk made of oak in front of the big mirror that sat opposite on the wall from the bed.

Lilly hummed before looking at Robert.  "Mr. Lewis, I have an...odd request."

"What's that?" he asked.

"May I, um..." she blushed suddenly and looked away.  "Aw, hell, nevermind."

"What is it?"

Lilly shook her head.  "Forget it.  Show me your hunting gear."

Robert nodded before walking over to the giant trunk.  After a moment, Robert pressed a button on the trunk lid and the object began making a weird humming noise.  Lilly took a step back with her knives out, obviously ready for a fight.  The lid popped open and wooden panels with all sorts of guns, knives, swords, bows, and ammo floated out of the trunk.  They hovered above the trunk before placing themselves on a different wall. 

Lilly's jaw dropped at the sight.  "What the fucking fuck?"

Immediately feeling giddy, she sheathed her knives and scurried over to the weapons, examining them all closely.  Carbines, pistols, hunting rifles, shotguns, sawed off shotguns, revolvers, repeaters, and many other types of guns that Lilly figured must be newer models.  She hadn't had much need for guns in the last few years so her knowledge was outdated.

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