25. The Light in the Dark

Start from the beginning

"Whatever you are, you are not her," Skylar growled, raising her dagger threateningly. "Stop pretending! You're not fooling anyone!"

"Oh, I apologise," said the woman, and her smile disappeared. "I thought showing you someone dear to you, like your mother, would make talking to you easier."

"It's not helping, so stop it!"

"As you wish." The woman fell apart in a myriad of shining golden specks. They flew around chaotically before joining together in one bigger light sphere.

"What are you?" Skylar asked again. All her hair was standing on ends, and the hand on the dagger became sweaty.

"What am I?"  the voice considered for a moment. "I am many things. I used to be a goddess, I think. People used to worship me, but not anymore. Not for a very long time. But I still exist. I am everything and nothing. I fill every spec of the earth with life. I am the light. I make things blossom and change. I have always been here."

Skylar felt her breath catch in her throat. "Are you... the magic?"

"Magic?" repeated the voice. "Maybe. I think so. I've heard people say this word."

"How... how is it possible? I was searching for any traces of you, any mentions, anything!"

"I know you did. You were very intent on finding me. It is hard for me to stay focused like this. I am everywhere at once, in every corner of the world. I'm a consciousness that's floating around. In the old times, when people worshipped me, I was more anchored to places. But now, no one remembers my name. So, I just exist, under the surface."

"Then why are you here?"

"The Dark Ones are coming. They... they are killing me, slowly draining my light. They are taking it and twisting, corrupting everything they touch. The world is dying around them, but they don't care," the voice said, the sadness in it weighed thousands of stones.

"The Blighted Lands."

"Yes, I've heard this name. I never interfered. I am the giver of life, nothing else. And yet, if I don't act now, I will perish and the whole world with me."

"But people are living there. I met one of them."

"They are no longer humans. Not like you. There is no light in their souls. I can't see them. They turned into something else. Something twisted and dark."

"But why to act now?" asked Skylar. "The Blighted Lands turned to wasteland centuries ago!"

"I hoped they would be content with that. I hoped it would be enough to satisfy their hunger. It was not. They will not be satisfied until they deform and corrupt the last rays of light in this world." The voice stopped for a moment, and a cold silence filled the room. "I tried to help. I've been speaking to your King through his dreams. I thought I could help him see and prepare for what was coming. But his light went out."

"He was murdered," said Skylar bitterly.

"Yes, by the one with the darkness in her soul. She is the Dark Ones' agent in your kingdom's heart. And now I am out of time. I no longer can only assist. If I waver now, all will be lost."

"What are you waiting for then?" Skylar asked, suddenly annoyed. There was an essence of magic right here before her. The solution to everything. And for some reason, it seemed to hesitate. "We need your help. The Dark Ones will march at us in four days. If we don't stop them, they will purge us all."

"I am the giver of life," the voice said as if it explained everything.

"What's that have to do with anything?"

"I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time. To use my power against the Dark Ones, I need a conduit. A beacon that allows me to focus all my thoughts and intentions in one place. I need a life. A human life."

"I'm here." Skylar shrugged impatiently. "Use me. I'll be your beacon. That is why you called me here, is it not?"

"Yes. But you do not understand. To use this power, the essence of life itself... the price must be paid."

"There's always a price. Name it, and I'll pay it. I'll pay it gladly if it stops the Blighted Lands' invasion."

The silence fell, and the only sound was Skylar's heavy breathing. She was so close to finding a solution now, and she would not back down.

"A human life is like that torch you hold," said the voice finally. "As it burns, it gets smaller until it disappears. To stop the Dark Ones, you need to shine so brightly that you'll consume most of your life in one burst of brilliant light."

"You mean it will kill me?" Skylar asked hesitantly.

"Yes. I'm almost certain it will," replied the voice. "I am the giver of life. To willingly do something that will take a life is against my whole existence. And yet, there is no other choice. If one life could preserve all lives on this world, it is a worthy exchange."

Skylar didn't know how to breathe anymore. It seemed the time had stopped. The whole world stopped and held its breath, waiting for her response. It was easy. If her life was the price to stop dark magic from consuming the kingdom, the whole world, there was nothing to deliberate about. And yet...

Her heart throbbed painfully when she thought of the life she had. The life she worked so hard to shape. She thought about Gawyn and was sure he would be outraged that she even considered such an extreme option. However, she knew there was no other choice. They ran out of time, and if she didn't act now, they might never have a chance to stop this spreading darkness.

Skylar's eyes filled with tears. The truth was, she was selfish. The thing she wanted the most was for her loved ones to live. She didn't care about the whole kingdom or the world. But the thought of Gawyn, Aurora or her father succumbing to the dark magic, suffering, and dying... She couldn't stand it.

She will stop the Dark Ones.

Whatever the cost.

Skylar raised her chin. "I'll do it."


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