Chapter 5

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Those beautiful, mesmerising eyes. How could she ever forget them. They had been embedded in the depth of her mind for the past couple of days and finally they were right before her. His cologne was the same as before, so wonderfully potent and it made her weak to her knees.

"I-I," she stuttered pathetically but her ability to speak failed her miserably. The way his strong, large hands were around her made her thoughts race.

"This is definitely comical. We bumped into each other a few days ago too, right?" he asked, a slight tinge of humor in his otherwise velvelty voice.

Ximena nodded dumbly, still not able to voice her thoughts properly. Never in her life had she been so helpless in front of anyone, much less a total stranger like the man in front of her. A very hot one, at that.

He retrieved his hands from her rather slowly like the last time, and placed them in pockets of his slacks. He was clad in a navy blue Armani suit and a baby blue shirt with the first two buttons undone, giving a sneak peek of his toned chest. It was like he had gotten even more attractive than the last time she'd seen him, if that was possible.

"I'm so sorry," she finally managed to say but her voice came out higher than usual. She cleared her throat to lower it a bit. "I was so taken by the decor that I wasn't focused on where I was going."

He nodded understandingly, causing a lone stand of hair to fall delicately onto his forehead. "I get where you're coming from, this place is fascinating. It's surreal," he smiled.

That smile could be the death of me, she thought but then quickly shook it away. Where had that even come from? She didn't even know who this mystery man was anyway!

"Well, have a pleasant evening," he added and then turned to leave.

Even though it was totally weird, she felt sad to see him leave. The worst thing was that she hadn't even gotten his name! What a wasted opportunity. Maybe if fate would have it, the two would meet again in the not so distant future. If only she had known she wouldn't have to wait too long for it.

With a sigh, Ximena continued along the lower level of the club until she reached a staircase that had a sign saying it led to the VIP section. Hopefully they'd be a less scary bouncer than the one at the entrance but much to her chagrin, the one standing at the end of the stairs was twice large as the other one. She gulped visibly and took out her phone.

"Umm, I'm by the door now. Could you come and get me, I've had one too many encounters with large scary men tonight," she breathed, cautiously eyeing the stone faced security guard.

Seconds later, her dark skinned best friend emerged from behind the door and engulfed her in tight embrace. "You look so gorgeous, Mena!" she shrieked, giving her a once over. "Purple is definitely your colour!"

Ximena smiled tightly. "Thanks, Chels. You look amazing too. Could we go inside, where there are no guards," she mumbled, her eyes switching between her friend and the formidable man.

Chelsea grabbed her hand and dragged her into the large room, where the lights were even dimmer and the music was less loud. There was a dance floor in the middle of the room and tables scattered all around. A quaint bar sat at one corner and a small DJ stationed at the opposite end. There was a lot of chattering going on, people sipping on something and groups swaying about. From one look, anyone could tell only the elite of the elite were invited up here.

They both arrived at the little bar and took a seat. "So, what do you think?" Chelsea asked, motioning to the club. "Isn't it awesome?"

Ximena nodded, her eyes still taking in the new room. "It's jazzy, definitely your scene and not mine," she joked and they both chuckled.

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