Satti's Birthday Party

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Third Person's POV

Fateh was glaring towards Abhiraaj . He didn't know why but he hated it whenever someone came between him and Tejo. Even when he was supposed to get married with Jasmine he couldn't bear it when Tejo was left alone or when his so called Fufa that idiot man scolded and taunted her. God he would have beaten him black and blue that day. He loves the way she always had that beautiful and twinkling smile. She understands his emotions and conditions the best. He didn't know why but he had a huge fight with Buzo before his marriage just because he had suggested that they should find a nice guy for Tejo and get her married. He always thought that none of the guys in Moga or in the whole world deserved her she was a girl who deserves only happiness and a life full of roses without any thorns. As he was glaring towards Abhiraaj Tejo turned towards him and smiled. That smile did some magic and all his anger went out of the window. He smiled back.

Tejo ( leaned towards Fateh ) : You know you shouldn't glare towards my brothers . You will leave a bad impression on them. We can talk at home also why glare just because he separated us for sometime.

Fateh ( while pouting and blushing) : He's bad I don't like him , scold him for me please please and I don't give a damn of what he thinks I'm already married to you he can't separate me from you anymore.

Fateh replied cheekily Tejo smiled and pinched his cheeks .

Tejo : You look cute like a teddy while pouting Lafandar .

They're again interrupted by none other than the great third wheeler Abhiraaj. Fateh pouted even more while looking towards Tejo with his puppy eyes.

Fateh ( mumbling) : Shaadain why is she supporting her brother instead of her poor husband . Baddie , Meanie beat them someone and put them in a desert . Yah this is a good idea this way they won't be able to separate or interrupt us. God I'll come to pray to you with my dear wife just accept this wish of mine.

Everyone was having fun but were interrupted with sudden arrival of Jaspy. Tejo was worried for Fateh but she was shocked when she saw that Fateh didn't react at all infact he was looking towards them blankly and shocked like others.

Gippy : Hello everyone this is my first official meeting and I'm sorry aunty I didn't know it was your birthday or I would have bought a gift along with this bouquet. Actually you know what Jassu wait here . I'll be back in sometime .

Before anyone can say anything he ran out . Satti went to Jasmine and dragged her to another room angrily. She was done with this daughter of her's. But amidst this someone was jealous as hell. It was our Fateh who was almost at the edge of his outburst.  He pulled Tejo and took her outside everyone thought he was angry because of Jasmine's presence.

Fateh (with jealousy) : Why did you have that sweet smile on your lips while looking at that Chameli's husband ?

Tejo : What are you saying I thought you dragged me here because you were hurt by Chameli's presence ?

Fateh : Why will my sister in law's appearance or presence effect me ? Leave all that and don't try to change the topic why were you smiling ?

Tejo : I found his antics cute that's it . My goodness if I didn't knew better I would have thought you're jealous and possessive for me .

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