3. Radio Silence

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"Elias Kim?"

He hasn't seen me yet.

I'm glued to the floor when all I want to do is disappear.

Am I dreaming?

Hallucinating, maybe?

Eli bends to grasp the handle of the suitcase standing between them. "That's me. But you can call me Eli."

Jude looks up over him and his eyes finally find me.

Eli straightens and pulls the case into the room. "Come in."

The paper in my hands crinkles noisily as my fingers close over it.

Eli says something, but I don't hear a word.

Jude doesn't move an inch past the threshold. His blue eyes bore into me, surprise evident on his face.

Surprise? More like shock.

Something pokes my arm.

Then a hand waves in front of my face.

I snap my eyes from Jude to find Eli trying to gain my attention.

He gives me a confused look. "Jo?"

I suck in a deep breath and drop the paper to the floor. "Bathroom. I need to use the bathroom."

I feel Jude's eyes on me as I close the distance to the bathroom—which is, in this situation, so inconveniently close to the front door.

The moment I close the door behind me, I rush for the toilet bowl. Out of nowhere, my stomach is queasy. But nothing comes out, only empty retches.

I sit back on the floor, pressing my back to the wall between the toilet and the shower curtain.

I pinch myself. Unfortunately, I don't wake from a dream.

This is real. It's happening.

That is Jude at the door.


And he's Eli's new roommate.

How is this not a dream?

I try to calm down my breathing, but it proves futile. My heart isn't giving me a break either.

My hand reaches for my pocket, subconsciously reaching for my phone. The only thing I can think of right now is getting out of here. Once I'm out of here, maybe I can process what's happening. I mean to call Simon, but I realise my phone is still in Eli's room.

I don't know how long I remain there, huddled into myself. Probably a long time because I don't move until there's rapping on the door followed by Eli's voice.

"Jo? Are you okay?"

I come to my feet and wipe my clammy hands on my shirt. Eli's shirt.

I cross to the door and pull it partially open. I meet Eli's worried gaze through the small opening. "I need to go."

"Why? I'm done with breakfast. You haven't said hi to my roommate."

"It's an emergency."

"What's wrong?"

"It's my period. I need pads." The lie flies off my lips effortlessly. It's the best I can think of.

"Oh. Oh. Are you okay to get back like this? Let me get them for you. I can get one from the next room."

I shake my head. "I'll be fine until I get to my place."

"Are you sure?"

I nod.

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