PART TWO- 46. A Taste Of Controversy

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January 21st,2022

  "After the President's remarks on the anniversary of the worst domestic terrorist attack in history, a few lawmakers are calling for her immediate resignation." An MSNBC anchor says. "We don't have time to play the clip in today's segment so I'll just summarize: some believe her bringing up the possibility of running for for reelection was incredibly insensitive. I mean- yesterday was supposed to be 100% about the victims and how we came back from that tragedy. Some are bringing up the fact that she could have addressed her possible re-election at any time. Mr.Press Secretary?"

We spent a few hours preparing him for this appearance- he's much better at minimizing controversy by redirecting it than anybody else on my staff, but he still pauses, thinking very carefully about what he says next.

Carlos and Melissa lean against the wall beside me, both with their hands over their mouths, trying to will him not to mess up even though they should both know better by now. This is Walter we're talking about.

"Mr.Press Secretary?"The anchor repeats.

Walter clears his throat, sits up a little bit, and makes direct eye contact with the anchor. Good. This is good so far.

"Well first off Meg I'd like to remind you that this has been the least controversial administration in recent history-"

"Which is partially due to you."

"Partially." He nods. "But to address the president's comments- she didn't mean anything by them. All she was saying is that as the incumbent president of the United States she already has an unfair advantage over other candidates, so she'd want to wait until most of them have announced their runs so that...advantage is minimized. In regards to the timing of her comments- which people see as the main issue, the president was just taking an opportunity to address the rumors when she knew everybody would be listening. If there's something wrong with that then maybe I should be cancelled too- since taking all opportunities to address rumors is my literal job."

"But you do acknowledge that the president could have addressed the rumors in a statement, that it would have been more respectful to the victims of the bombing, don't you Walter?"

I roll my eyes. She's trying to back him into a corner like she does with everyone else. Walter just smiles.

"Of course she could have. She could have put out a statement, made a video to put on social media - but at the end of the day, why does it matter? The rumors are now addressed and her official statement on the matter is out there. She has shown plenty of respect to the victims of the bombing her entire presidency and I think you're forgetting that she is a victim herself- one who is extremely lucky to be alive. I also want to read you President Lowe's official statement on the controversy." Walter unfolds a piece of paper. "You people really need to find something better to do. I can guarantee that anybody else who was there, if they were still alive, would tell you they don't give a shit if she talks about a second topic after starting off a speech honoring them."

"Always nice to have you on, Mr.Press Secretary." Somebody whispers something in Meg's ear, indicating the end of the interview. Bullshit. She hates him because he can't be manipulated like every other politician or politician's staff.

"Thanks for having me, Meg." He fake smiles again.

"Up next on..."

The split screen ends, and Walter's friendly facial expression falls. His assistant closes the laptop, shoves it in his bag- and Walter turns to us.

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