Chapter 46

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"Where has Bhraata Karn been?" Yudhisthir asked gazing over the maps that spread across the tables.

"He is dwelling over the northern plains, a letter had come, there are some survivors who need help." Came a reply of Arjun, who walked in, his eyes scanning at the maps.

"How's Panchi doing?" Dharmraj asked straightening, concern marring his face. "She needs time, I guess." Replied Dhananjay, concern for his wife, weighing heavily on his shoulders.

"I don't really understand, why did our Panchi had to go through all this?" Grumbled the third son of Kunti, he hated seeing her so weak, so out of herself.

It was like, she was submerging in the ocean of pain, and they were desperately trying to hold onto her.

Yudhisthir's hand clasped on his brother's shoulder, their eyes clashed.

"Everyone needs a break Arjun. And Panchi? She has been going through too much, she tried to be brave, and bottle it all up, and now it is weighing her down. Give her time, we will have our girl back." Dharmraj's voice was laced with an undertone of love, making his brother nod.

"I really hope so bhraatashree. Her condition worries me to no end." He whispered, his voice thick with emotions.

"Anuj, we will take care of her together." Bheem"s voice filled the cave, as he walked in with scrolls. A soft smile played on his lips.

He wasn't sure, when will everything be fine, but what he was sure that one day it will. And as long as they were together there wasn't a thing that wasn't possible for them.

Walking in, he placed the scrolls beside the maps. "There is nothing that we can't do together, the battle we won was just a start." He stated, his voice ringing with an assurance.

"Panchaali is a brave girl. She is our girl, what could break her? We would stand between her, and every challenge that dares to look at her." Stated the second son of Pandu, confidence screaming in his words.

"You are right, nothing could break her except our lie. If she got to know that we have hid from her, her real identity, can you imagine her reaction?" Sehdev said, his face solemn, walking in with his twin.

"Aren't you both supposed to be with her?" The eldest son of Kunti asked, facing the twins. "She is resting bhraata. Mata is with her." Assured Nakul.

Words of Sehdev had brought up a wave of silence in the room. The truth in his words, had their hearts weighing heavy.

"We'll tell her once she is fine. She is still recovering from the war after effects. Can you imagine if we just tell her the truth now, she will just break furthermore." Stated Bheem, gazing at the other four.

"Lie doesn't have limbs Bheem, someday it is bound to fall." Yudhisthir stated gazing at his younger brother, whose head bowed.

"But bhraata she is still recovering." Stated Arjun, he wanted to tell her everything, but he feared losing her.

He feared, letting her go.

He feared she would hate them, and more than that, telling her in this situation, wasn't the most wisest decision.

"She has already too much on her plate, adding more will just deteriorate her health. And that is the last thing we want." Concern dripped off the second son of Kunti's voice.

"Yes, once she is recovered, and in a better state of mind. Let's tell her together." Sehdev added, agreeing with his brothers.

"But what if she found out from someone else till than, it will hurt her more. She might feel betrayed." Nakul pointed, worry filling his mind.

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