Chapter 27: Forced Invitation

Start from the beginning

I'm coming! Don't move, and don't let Keiko out of your sight!

She was just a few blocks away and could already see the crowd. One look at the damaged building, and Sakura's blood ran cold. Where was he? She hurried forward and scanned the mob for her brother.

"Kura? Kura! Over here!" It was Yusuke, waving her over.

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief. She'd made it first. "Oh, thank God!" She hurried to her twin's side. Yusuke was on the edge of the cluster. He caught Sakura by the shoulders and looked at her with worry.

"You're white as a ghost. What's going on?"

"Maybe I can answer that," a deep voice offered helpfully.

Sakura's heart skipped a beat. Behind them was an imposing figure on a motorbike, his identity shielded by the helmet.

Yusuke glared at him and stepped in front of Sakura. "Who are you?"

"Already forgotten?" the figure asked. "Guess I don't make much of an impression on people," In one swift move, he took off the helmet. Sakura trembled. It was just as she'd feared. Younger Toguro, sunglasses and all.

Yusuke's whole body tensed. "No freakin' way!"

"Is something wrong, Yusuke?" Toguro asked silkily. "You have the strangest look of surprise on your face,"

"I'm sorry," Yusuke snapped. "When I kill demons, I'm used to them staying dead,"

Toguro smiled and fixed his gaze on the dark haired girl behind Yusuke. "You must be Sakura. I am the younger Toguro brother. Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier,"

"I know who you are," Sakura's voice quivered.

Toguro got off the motorbike and took a step towards the twins. "I suggest you come with me for a talk. After all, you wouldn't want something bad to happen to your precious girlfriend,"

Sweat poured down Yusuke's face. "Sure," he stammered. "Kura, why don't you go back to Keiko while I take care of this?"

"No, the girl will come along too," Toguro took hold of Sakura's arm. "What I must say concerns her as well,"

Yusuke shook his head. "Not a chance. Take your hands off her,"

"Of course I'll come," Sakura kept her voice steady. "We're a package deal. He can speak to us together, or not at all,"

No way, Kura. I'm not letting you anywhere near this guy.

If I don't come, he'll hurt Keiko. Sakura responded, still looking straight at Toguro. Out of the corner of her eye, Sakura noticed Kuwabara standing next to Keiko and looking over at them with shocked horror.

Kura? What the heck is going on?!

Kuwabara, don't move. Just stay with Keiko. Please!

Uh, sure.

Yusuke didn't notice Kuwabara. He only had eyes for Toguro. Finally, he gulped and nodded.

Toguro smirked. "Very good. Now follow me," He pulled Sakura along behind him.

Kura, is this what you were so panicked about? You knew?

Yes. I saw he was alive in Spirit World. The whole thing was a set up. The guy who won that ridiculous bet was working with Toguro all along. I'll explain later. Don't worry though, Toguro isn't here to kill us.

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