Power And Belief 2

Start from the beginning

"Just because I'm my reverse, doesn't mean I'm not tough!" Pickle hissed and moved the sword down. "Nor am I letting someone hurt my best friend like that!"

Zoom growled and battled the green truck as much as he could. One by one, the bad robots began to get smashed and scattered into pieces. Blaze noticed this and beamed.


Crusher sighed in relief and lowered down his concentration a bit to not tire himself out. Zoom growled but took it to his advantage. He pushed the green truck back then he took a button from out of nowhere.


He pressed the button, and suddenly, a giant robot appeared from a box nearby, eyes glowing red as it aimed towards Crusher. Cobra gasped.



Crusher opened his eyes and yelped as the robot grabbed him. He tried to squirm out to escape, but the robot's grip was too tight, and it was getting tighter by the minute.

"LET ME GO!" he begged.

"Hmm… no," Zoom smirked and took out a gun. "I've got a better idea," He aimed the gun at his head. "I want you to fight by MY side and destroy them all!" He then clicked the gun. "Or ELSE."

"I…" Crusher quivered as tears pricked his eyes. "But I…"


The duo turned to see everyone else frozen in their spot the moment they saw the gun near Crusher's head. Blaze growled and drove forward.

"Zoom, LET HIM GO!"

"Not until he CHANGES SIDES!" Zoom hissed, causing the dark blue truck to whimper.

"How DARE YOU?!" Chili glared at them. "THIS IS TOO FAR, ZOOM!"

"Well, it's not far enough actually," Zoom scoffed.

He grabbed the dark blue truck by the pipe and broke it in a snap before shooting it on the ground. Everyone gasped as he sneered.

"NOW it's too far,"

From behind the purple truck and the large robot, Flame watched everything unfold with a snarl.

How DARE that bastard attempt to kill HIS child? Accident or not, Crusher was biologically his child. And even if he wasn't, hearing everything he's been through would make him and Phoenix adopt Crusher anyway.

And he wasn't going to let this psycho hurt him again.

He grabbed the nearby bat and snuck forward. He spotted the gun in the purple truck's tire and hissed.

He needed to get him away from Crusher.

In a swift motion, he flicked the gun out of Zoom's tires. The purple truck looked bewildered.


Before he could turn around and stop whoever flicked his gun, a bat hit him and knocked him back. As soon as he was knocked out, Flame turned to knock the robot out, freeing Crusher, who gasped as he landed on the ground.

"Are you alright, Crusher?"

"H-Huh?" Crusher looked up to see Flame stare down at him with concern as he helped him up. "I… thank you, uh…"

Flame sighed and patted his shoulder slowly. "It's alright. I'm not expecting it to be right away. Give it time,"


Everyone turned to see Zoom getting up, red eyes flaming with rage. He held out his gun, prompting Flame to move in front of Crusher instinctively. Cobra and Chili did the same, holding out their swords to defend as they glared at the purple truck.

"Zoom, PLEASE stop," Cobra pleaded. "Stop right now!"


He turned and zipped towards Sparkle, grabbing her and holding her in his tires, which caused everyone to gasp in horror.

"One move towards me, and I WILL SHOOT!" he threatened, holding the gun to her head.

"SPARKLE!" Blaze, AJ and Phoenix cried out.

Cobra hissed and turned to Crusher with nod. Crusher took a deep breath and nodded before shutting his eyes and focusing his power once more.

At once, he glowed red while his eyes glowed a bright yellow. Cobra took a deep breath and began to glow blue, his eyes glowing icy blue as they began to levitate.

"WHAT?!" Zoom looked shocked. "NOT FAIR! NO MAGIC!"

"YOU'RE THREATENING TO KILL A KID, TELL US NOW WHO'S UNFAIR?!" Chili yelled out with a snarl.

"Whatever." Zoom hissed and held the gun closer. "But I wouldn't try to get any closer with your magic."

Cobra shook his head and used his electric lightning to flick the gun off his tire. Zoom growled and glared at him.

"Damn YOU!"

"My turn." Crusher's eyes glowed brighter as he flicked his tire.

Zoom scowled as he felt a burn on his tire, causing him to let go of Sparkle. The girl cheered and dashed to her mother, who held her tightly and away from the psycho.

"DARN IT!" the purple truck cursed.

"Thats enough, Zoom." Cobra spat out with a hiss. "You've caused enough destruction for one day."

"You need a timeout!" Chili slapped a pair of tires cuffs around Zoom before smirking. "And here it is!"

"Damn you all…" Zoom grumbled.

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