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[ chapter fifteen: hermia ]

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[ chapter fifteen: hermia ]

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There's was one thing Mia didn't want to tell Jason and that was that she had a mini-reunion with her boys. One part of her knew he'd be happy for her because he knows how much she's missed them. But the other part didn't know how he'd react to the fact that she had seen Lysander. Not that he had anything to worry about because Mia was sure that Lysander was married. But still, her ex-boyfriend was alive and if there were to meet up, Hermia didn't know how she'd react in front of him.

Hermia and Jason were walking back and forth along the deck. Jason was still wobbly, so Mia encouraged him to wrap his arm around her for support. He was more than willing to have his arm around Mia, after almost losing her, Jason didn't want Mia to leave his side ever again.

Leo stood at the helm, conferring with Happy through the intercom; he knew from experience to give Jason and Mia some space. Since the satellite TV was up again, Coach Hedge was in his cabin happily catching up on his mixed martial arts cage matches. Blackjack had also flown off somewhere. The other demigods were settling in for the night.

The Argo II raced east, cruising several hundred feet above the ground. Below them, small towns passed by like lit-up islands in a dark sea of prairie.

Hermia remembered last winter, flying Happy the dragon over the city of Quebec. She had never seen anything so beautiful, or felt so happy to have Jason's arms around her-but this was even better.

The night was warm. The ship sailed along more smoothly than a dragon. Best of all, they were flying away from Camp Jupiter as fast as they possibly could. No matter how dangerous the ancient lands were, Hermia couldn't wait to get there. She hoped Jason was right that the Romans wouldn't follow them across the Atlantic.

Jason stopped amidships and leaned against the rail. The moonlight turned his blond hair silver.

"Thanks, Red," he said while giving Mia a smile. "You helped save me again."

As he put his other arm around her waist Mia couldn't help but think about how much she loved to have his arms around her. And yet, in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but think about how Lysander had taken her into his arms when she had gotten hurt.

Hermia wanted to kiss Jason right now, but something held her back. That something being her current thoughts about her ex and also the fact that her new brother is acting so strange around her.

Mia sighed as Jason watched her with worried eyes. "I don't know what's going on with Percy," she said as Jason started to play with a piece of her hair. "He seems distant and he can't even look me in the eyes."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 •| ⊱ Jason Grace²Where stories live. Discover now