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[ chapter fourteen: hermia ]

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[ chapter fourteen: hermia ]

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For Mia it had felt like hours had gone by before she woke up. But in reality, it hadn't been long enough. Once her sea-green eyes opened Hermia couldn't help but notice the pounding in her head. It surprised her because the last thing she remembered was getting stabbed, then falling unconscious in Lysander's arms while also hearing her brother promise that she was going to be okay.

As Mia pushed herself up to sit, she couldn't help but glance around. Some big part of her wished she could have woken up with her boys standing above her, watching her, as they had always done whenever she would get hurt. But as she glanced around her room, she realized she was back on Leo's ship and her boys were nowhere to be found.

A sigh escaped her lips as tears started filling her eyes. Just seeing them in that dream had really played with her emotions. That dream was the first proof she had in months of her boys being alive. She was there. She was inside their home. She got to hug them and again her boys had been ripped away from her again and it hurt, it hurt like hell.

Mia reached up to grasp her necklace and once her eyes took in the little heart-shaped charm with Jason's and Mia's initials on it, she couldn't help but worry something had happened. Last she saw Jason he had been knocked to the ground by Percy.

Oh, God. Here she was thinking about the pain of not being with her boys when her boyfriend could be dead.

Mia pushed the thoughts away and stood from the bed. Suddenly the room started spinning and Mia had to reach for her nightstand so she wouldn't fall to the floor. Hermia reached up to hold her head as she let the world stop spinning.

She was obviously exhausted, but she didn't want to stay in bed. She had to see Percy and Jason because she needed to make sure they were okay.

With a shaky breath, Hermia walked up to her closet and pulled out a clean Camp Half-Blood T-shirt. She could shower later, right now she had more important things to do.

Her legs were a little shaky as if they didn't want to be moving right now, but Mia pushed through. Besides the herbs Demetrius had given her were going to help with all her injuries, it just had to take a while for everything to heal.

Once Hermia made it to the mess hall she noticed everything was sitting at the table. They looked to be eating, even though Mia could see no one had finished.

Hermia smiled as she walked through the door. "Well, I hope you guys left me some food."

The whole room had already been quiet, but Mia's entrance made everyone look over at her. Some looked surprised to see her awake so soon and others looked relieved that she was awake. Percy looked guilty, but Mia didn't know why. And Jason? Jason looked so happy to see her that he couldn't stop his eyes from filling with tears.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 •| ⊱ Jason Grace²Where stories live. Discover now