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[ oh i don't have you here with me,
but at least i have the memory ]



"You know we can take as long as you need to do this." I tore my eyes away from the mantle, facing my mum as she spoke. "If you need a few days, we can take a few days. If you need a few weeks, we can take a few weeks."

"Mom, she can't do this for weeks." Jules spoke up.

"No. I'm just saying that there's no clock. You know, when your father moved out -- I'm not saying that it's the same thing as this of course but that took a month."

"That's definitely not the same thing. Dad moved to an apartment, Caleb moved to a casket." I laughed.

My mom sighed. "That's why I said it wasn't the same thing."

"Okay. How do you want this to happen?" Jules asked as I looked around my old apartment. It's been a while since I was last here and now I was back, packing up the last of Caleb's belongings.

"I...why don't we just put everything in boxes and bags and get it into storage."

"Great, I'll start with the kitchen so we can stop smelling the rubbish and the fridge, I can't tell if we're smelling the rubbish or the fridge."

I watched as my Mum placed a box on the kitchen table. "I don't wanna fight. I'm here to help."

"But?" I went on. "You said help like you were going to follow it with a but."

She nodded her head. "I don't want you to rush this process and then regret it later. Your belongings have meaning and they should be treated with the respect that they're owed."

I nodded my head. "Okay. So...why don't you spend a week in this place respecting the objects because if I do that I'm gonna throw myself out a window."

She sighed. "Okay. Why don't we make this as straightforward as this impossible thing can be? Divide everything into three piles, keep, toss and give away. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great." I made my way to the kitchen, watching as Jules took a bottle of alcohol out from the fridge and started pouring it down the sink. "Ten points for Gryffindor."

"You said I was Slytherin and it really hurt my feelings."

"Well you know what? Now I'm re-sorting you." I said, holding my hand above my sisters head, a chuckle escaping her lips.


"Avia? Av?"

I snapped out of my trance after hearing my name being called. I looked up and saw Lando dressed in his race suit. I wiped my hand over my face. "What?"

"I'm about to get into the car for quali so I'll see you later okay? You'll be here won't you?"

"Yeah of course. Good luck out there."

"Thanks." And with that he walked off to the garage.

I sat in the McLaren hospitality, thinking about the memory I just had about Caleb. It was so unexpected and had no correlation to what was happening this weekend or did it?

"Oh my god." We were back doing the thing that Caleb loved the most and that was racing. Normally he would be in the other McLaren. It was like my husband was following me by planting these memories in my head at precise moments.

Drew came back from the cafeteria and sat himself down in front of me. "You okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"Yeah I'm fine."

The first Quali session went really well for Lando, he made it into the top fifteen meaning he was through to Q2 as was Carlos. I took out my phone and opened the twitter app, creating a tweet.

That's Q1 complete.
Both Lando and Carlos progress through to Q2. 👏
#AustralianGP 🇦🇺

I shut my phone and focused my attention on the second Quali session that was about to happen. Lando and Carlos were performing really well and were top 5 at the moment -- Lando in p4 and Carlos sitting comfortably in p5. I clapped my hands as Lando crossed the line, going fastest and sticking it on pole. With the session over, I opened the Twitter app to give the fans an update.

What a lap from Lando!
We're back on track in Australia for Q3.
Let's go team!
#AustralianGP 🇦🇺

"What are your predictions then?" I asked my best friend.

"Hmm. Hamilton, Verstappen and possibly Bottas or Leclerc. Then Lando and Carlos."

"I guess we'll have to wait and see." I smiled.


With Q3 over and Lando and Carlos finishing in p3 and p5, I was exceptionally happy. Whilst I waited for Lando to get out the car, I got out my phone to tweet the results.

That's the chequered flag on Qualifying. 🏁
The team will line up with Lando in P3 and Carlos in P5.
Tomorrow we race! 💪
#AustralianGP 🇦🇺

"Hey, you ready for interviews?"

I looked up and saw Lando. I nodded my head and followed him to the media pen. I directed Lando to a male reporter, taking out my phone ready to record the voices.

"So Lando, P3 in qualifying today, the car looks good and tomorrow looks like you have a good chance of getting that p2 you're after."

"Yeah, I think we can be confident going into tomorrow's race as we're in a good position and if we can go forwards then we'll definitely try and do that."

About 5 questions later, we were preparing to wrap up when Lando burst into a fit of giggles. I wasn't exactly paying attention but I assumed it was something the reporter had said that set him off. I was trying not to giggle myself as Lando's laugh was very contagious so instead, I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the reporter, apologising as we left.

I stopped the recording and placed my phone back into my pocket. "First day on the job and this is what I get. I think interviews with you are gonna be insufferable." I laughed.

Lando wiped his eyes of tears before speaking up. "It wasn't even that funny, I just took it the wrong way."

I rolled my eyes. "When don't you? Now come on, we have a team meeting and then it's home time!"


thinking 'bout you  | lando norris Where stories live. Discover now