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[ i can still hear your voice,
i ain't got no choice ]



I pulled up outside of the MTC not bothering to get out of my car just yet. Instead, I took a look at myself through the rear view mirror. My eyes were bloodshot from all the crying and the bare minimum of sleep I was getting, my hair felt disgusting but I would wash it when I got home. I didn't really have the energy to even go out but I knew I would have too eventually and maybe being out and about would take my mind off of Caleb for a while.

I finally took a deep breath before stepping out of my car. I locked it up and hoisted my bag onto my shoulders before making my way into the building. I was stopped by a polite young woman who asked for my name and my reason for being here. "My name is Avia Turner and I'm here to see Zak Brown about a PR job role."

The young lady nodded her head before leading me to a sitting area. "He's currently in a meeting but if you just wait here he'll come and get you when he's finished ok?"

I said my thanks as she walked away not entirely sure on what to do now. I was about to go mess around with the water fountain but was stopped as I felt my phone vibrating in the pocket of my hoodie. I took it out and saw Jules' contact on the screen.

I made my way to a little corner for some privacy. "Hello Jules?"

"Oh, hey, real quick -- I have to ask you something." Her voice was cheery and I didn't understand how she could be so happy when her brother in law had just died.

"What is it?" I ask, rubbing my hand over my face.

"You've been wearing a lot of my clothes as such."

"Mhm." I started pacing, wondering where she was going with this. 

"But you have your own stuff."

"Yeah, but it's at my apartment."

"When's the last time you went to your apartment?"

"A little before the funeral." That was also the last I saw of Lando. Since Caleb died, we didn't stay in touch. He sent his condolences and I sent mine but we both had other things to focus on. He had racing and I had my family.

"It's like, three months? All your stuff is still there and you're still paying rent and utilities."

I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "Yeah. Yeah, I know."

"So, maybe you could go by your apartment and get your stuff."

I took a deep breath in. I had to go there at some point. "Sure. Yeah, sure."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I love you."

I chuckled. "I love you too." After hanging up, I placed my phone back into my hoodie pocket. As I made my way back to the seating area, a door opened and thinking it was Zak, I shot my head up only for my eyes to fall onto Lando.

Lando. I forgot he drove for McLaren. The man I hadn't seen in well over 3 months was standing in front of me. Just looking at him made so many different memories of Caleb fill my head and that made me feel angry. I wasn't very fond of Lando as Caleb was always with him -- rarely spending time with me.

thinking 'bout you  | lando norris Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant