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[ i try to make it through the night,
but i can't control my mind ]



I convulsed up in my bed, my head spinning and tears falling onto my cheeks. I had had a nightmare and at this moment in time, I didn't want to be alone. I was doing fine with sleeping by myself but since seeing Lando, it changed. I can't blame this on him. He's already got enough going on as it is.

I fumbled around in the dark for my phone, the   light of the screen blinding me. I went to my contacts and scrolled until I found Lando's -- I didn't care if it was really early, I needed comfort. I needed him. The phone rang and rang but eventually he picked up. "Hello? Avia?"

"Lando." I couldn't even form a proper sentence due to the shock my body was undergoing. I assumed he knew what had happened as I heard him moving around on the other side. "I'll be there in five okay, just hold on. Have you got a glass of water by your side? Have a shower for now okay, it might make you feel a little bit better."

I found it cute how he rambled as it always put a smile on my face and made me feel better in situations like these. I listened to his request and decided to freshen myself up due to the amount of sweat I had lost and so after dressing myself, I tiptoed into the kitchen being careful not to wake up Jules and my mum as I poured myself a glass of water. I downed it rather quickly and then sat myself on the sofa with a fluffy blanket as I awaited Lando's arrival.

Ten minutes had passed before I heard a knock on my front door, it was subtle, showing that Lando didn't want to wake up the rest of my family. I padded my way towards the front door in nothing but my pyjamas and my hair in a low ponytail. It was probably early in the morning and at this moment in time I couldn't care less about how I looked.

The door opened and there stood Lando in a black hoodie and grey joggers. With more memories of Caleb filling my head, I threw myself into his arms, crying to which he held me tightly, telling me how I was okay and that I was safe.

He took my shaking body over to the sofa before making himself comfortable so I could lie on his chest as he held me. I always felt bad whenever I called Lando after having a nightmare seeming as it was the only time I needed him.

I was planning on turning that around though as I had been treating Lando badly ever since Caleb's passing. I didn't realise that he was hurting too. 

After a lot of crying I had finally worn myself out and was ready for bed. I outstretched my arms and yawned. "I think I'm gonna head to bed."

Lando, who was in the kitchen fixing himself a snack, turned around to face me. "Yeah sure. I have enough blankets out here so I'm sorted but are you gonna be okay?"

I nodded my head and smiled tiredly. "Goodnight." He mumbled.

I whispered a goodnight back, making my way into the bedroom. I placed myself under the covers hoping to get a goodnight's sleep.



I sat on the couch in Avia's apartment scrolling through my instagram feed hoping it would send me to sleep. After receiving a call from an emotional Avia, I knew something was wrong, immediately, my mind travelled straight to Caleb.

I finally shut off my phone and placed it on the coffee table, settling down under the blankets ready to drift off into a deep sleep.

"LANDO!" My body jolted upwards upon hearing Avia's ear piercing scream. I didn't even bother putting my hoodie on as my mind was focused on Avia and her well-being. I slammed the door open, my eyes falling upon her distraught figure. I quickly ran over to her and took her body into my arms, slowly rocking side to side, whispering endearments into her ear to calm her down.

"I-I've tried to make it through the night but my mind I-I can't control it." She sobbed harder into my chest.

"Av, it's okay." I felt her relax against my body as I called her by her nickname, "Just look at how far you've come. You've not only managed to stay strong for your friends and family but you've also stayed strong for yourself and you should be proud. There was gonna be a tipping point at sometime and clearly that time is now. I'm so proud of you and I'm sure your family and friends are too."

She simply looked up at me with her tear stained cheeks as she listened intently to my words. I knew she was listening as her face occasionally lit up with a smile and she would nod her head ever so often. I knew I couldn't leave her like this, she needed me and I'm sure it would help me too if she was around, that's why I was glad she agreed to come to Australia with me.

"I have some news to tell you." She sniffled.

"Go on."

"I'm gonna be your new PR manager."

My face lit up with a smile as I embraced Avia. "Oh my god that's amazing! Wait, that's why you're coming to Australia, oh my I didn't even realise."

She let out a little laugh. "It's okay, I didn't tell you."

"I just can't believe it."

Avia muttered out an agree as she started settling down on my chest when I heard a noise at her bedroom door. I drew my eyes over only for them to rest onto the figure of Avia's mum. She sent me a sympathetic look, leaving me to assume she already knew what had happened.

Amy carefully edged further into the room and sat on the bed next to me, Avia on the verge of falling asleep. "She really needed you the last couple of months even though she might not admit it. I'm just glad she found you again, it'll do you both some good. I don't even know how you are, Lando." She rested her palm on my shoulder to comfort me.

"I'm doing okay, I have racing coming up soon so it'll help as a distraction but for now I care more about Avia's wellbeing."

"I know you do, even when Caleb was still around you cared a lot for her."

I felt my mouth go dry, I knew what she was getting at and I didn't even want to come to terms with it myself. I've been trying to keep my feelings bottled up as I knew it wasn't the right time to be feeling them but little did I know that they started way before Caleb died. I didn't know what to feel anymore.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not judging you, if anything, I'm encouraging you to carry on. She seems more happier with you."

I raised my eyebrows at her. "Okay, maybe not extremely happy but she seems to socialise more with you than she does Drew and I'm sure taking her to Australia will do her some good. I only want what's best for her and that's seeing her heal." Amy whispered.

I shot her a smile and nodded my head. Avia had fully fallen asleep now and I was also on the verge of falling asleep myself.

"Right, I'm gonna head back off to bed now. Goodnight Lando." She smiled, pressing a small kiss to my head.

"Goodnight Amy. Sorry for waking you." She shook me off with a smile before leaving the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

I held Avia tighter to my chest as the night droned on, scared to let her go, scared to let her succumb into the darkness, whether that be her mind or not.


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