George paused, letting the information sink in. He said, "Niki and Tubbo, your guys' roles are mainly for after the mission. Once the mission is completed, you two will search Wilbur's house for more evidence and data on Wilbur's other crimes. Until then, you two can go around Palm Beach and find any other possible leads on Wilbur."

Niki and Tubbo nodded in affirmation. George smiled grimly. "Alright, the field teams. Both teams will enter the building together. Once we are far enough in, we'll split up. Quackity and Sapnap will search the second and third floors. Dream and I will search the ground floor and the basement. As you already know, we are looking for Dream's sister and Sapnap and Quackity are looking for Wilbur."

George gave Sapnap a pointed look. "And remember, our mission is not to kill. If you are in danger, shoot to wound. We want Wilbur alive. Got that, Sapnap?"

Sapnap scrunched his nose, but he sighed in defeat seconds later. He mumbled, "Got it."

"Perfect," George said, his tone forcefully cheerful, "any questions on what everyone is doing?"

Karl raised his hand, smiling sheepishly as heads turned to look at him. George nodded and Karl cleared his throat. He asked, "I― um, what am I doing?"

"I'm sorry Karl," George said genuinely, "but you can't come with. You're just an everyday citizen, you can't be involved in the actual mission. I've already allowed you into too many classified conversations."

Karl frowned and chewed on his lip as he thought. He perked up and said, "I can be the getaway driver!"

"The getaway driver," George deadpanned. "Sorry Karl, but we'll have police cars waiting nearby. We don't need a getaway driver."

"Look at the house," Karl said and George looked at the picture. Karl asked, "Do you see how it's structured?"

"Yeah," George replied, "It's... unique. Part of the house hangs off the cliff, over the water. It has several large beams for support. A risky architectural design, but it works."

Karl nodded, excitement growing on his face. "I could drive a boat in the water below― just in case anything goes wrong and I'm needed."

"You know how to drive boats?" Tommy asked.

Karl's face displayed that he didn't, but Tubbo cut in, "I do!"

"Sorry Tubbo, but you're just an intern, like Tommy. You two aren't allowed in the field, you're just assisting Zak, Niki, and Jack," George said.

Tubbo shrugged and Tommy nudged him in the side, snickering something about, "Tubboat."

"Please, George," Karl pleaded.

"I don't know," George said hesitantly. "Don't you need a license to drive a boat?"

"Yep," Sapnap chimed in, "I only know 'cause I stole a boat once. This one boat officer pulled me over to say hi. I wasn't even speeding, but the guy asked me for my license! And when I didn't have one, I had to spend five months in jail for grand theft. What bullshit."

George processed the useless information and said, "Thank you, Sapnap, for giving everyone your input."

"You're welcome," Sapnap replied, crossing his arms with a satisfied smile.

George met Clay's eyes, which were dancing with laughter. George held back his smile and said to Karl, "I'm assuming that you don't have a boating license."

"What if one we ask one of Palm Beach's police department officers to go with me? I get a boating officer and we can wait on the water, just in case," Karl insisted.

George hesitated. He looked around the room and said, "Raise your hand if you think Karl should stay on a boat with a Palm Beach officer― this is a team after all."

George counted the raised hands, but it was useless. Everyone but Sapnap had their hand raised. George gave Sapnap a questioning look to which Sapnap just shrugged and said, "It's unsafe. I don't think Karl should be in the field, he's safer here."

George nodded in agreement, but he said, "Majority vote wins, but I don't think the mission will spiral to the point where we have to jump into the ocean."

Karl nodded, a smile on his face. He looked happy to be included on the mission, but George hoped he wouldn't get hurt. Clay raised his hand and George gestured for him to speak. He felt like a teacher for some odd reason.

Clay spoke, "When you said shoot to wound if necessary, does that mean that we are getting weapons? If so, can I choose my own weapons?"

"Yeah," Sapnap said, "I want my daggers."

"You'll both get your preferred weapons," George reassured them. He added, "And to make everything even better, the four people on the field teams are getting customized outfits. The police department in Palm Beach offered to buy us some and I couldn't say no, so now we all have proper apparel."

"Like a spy outfit?" Sapnap asked eagerly.

"Kinda" George muttered and Sapnap whooped. George smiled softly and took a deep breath, saying, "Okay, now we need to discuss the house layout."

~a few hours later~

"Good idea Zak," George commented when Zak pointed out a possible exit strategy.

George glanced at the clock and said, "Alright guys, that's all we can do for today. I know we don't have blueprints on the basement, but Dream and I will figure it out. For now, I want everyone to go home and get to bed early. We need to be well rested for tomorrow."

Sapnap yawned loudly, nodding in agreement with George. He stood up and stretched. Everyone else did the same.

As the team was about to leave, Tommy shouted, "Wait! Let's do a team huddle!"

"This isn't a sport, Tommy," Sapnap said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, shut up you wannabe Dream," Tommy snapped. He laughed and stuck his hand out. Tubbo did the same and eventually everyone had their hand in the circle.

"Alright boys, we're―"

"And lady," Niki said, interrupting Tommy.

"And woman," Tommy added with a smile. "We're gonna go out there tomorrow and absolutely crush this guy's dreams. I mean absolutely demolish his entire life and then we're gonna lock him up for good, yeah? Then we can chillax for a while and drink some coke... pog plan, innit?"

George didn't really know what to say, so he just nodded.

Tommy grinned and looked everyone in the eye. His eyes were determined when he said, "We're gonna catch this bitch."


a/n - Wilbur's house is somewhat inspired by Tony Stark's coastal mansion. if you haven't seen it, just look up Tony Stark Malibu mansion and it should come up. it's pretty cool. in Wilbur's house, he has three floors on the land, but the first floor extends out over the coast. I thought that would be cool :)

go drink some water! BYYEE <3

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