1 : prologue

406 28 13

Zoa's POV

The sound of palm leaves and waves invaded my ears. As I slowly opened my eyes, the bright sunlight blinded me. I felt something block my throat that urged me to sat up and cough.

"Zoa-yah" I look around and saw So Eun unnie walking towards my direction. She got no wounds or anything and she looks happy. "Gwaenchana?" She asked me as she inspected my wound. Wait, I got wound?

I stared at the bleeding portion of my knees. Where did I got these?

"Zoa-yah, Soeun-ah!" Monday unnie also ran to me. I was about to mumble unnie but there's no sound escaped my mouth... wait, I forgot I don't have a voice.

"Where did you get these, Zoa? Where are the others?" Monday unnie asked Soeun who's placing some herbs on my wound. Where did she get those?

"Jiyoon took care of them... Jaehee has been coughing blood" and Jihan is shaking" Monday nodded before patting my back. "I'll go to them, take care of Zoa" unnie left and Soeun unnie stood up aswell. "Can you stand up?" I shook my head. My legs felt numb.

"You're probably wondering what happened?" I nodded at her furiously. She helped me stood up slowly and we walk as we talk. "I think it's better if you don't know" I shook at her signaling her I really want to know. I hate it... I don't have a voice.

"You really wanted to know?" I nodded once again and unnie sighed loudly. "Well, our ship sank. The last thing I remembered was us swimming for our lives." Sunken ship? We took a trip?

"We had a work on New York, remember? We board in Iceland" wait... she heard my mind. I stared at her and she's just looking forward.


"Waeyo? You need something?" She looked at me surprisingly. Can she really hear me?

"Oh here are the others. Soojin unnie, gwaenchana?" She sat me down under a palm tree and went to the oldest.

"Don't touch me" I heard Soojin unnie as Soeun unnie helped her with her wound. She got a wound too... I look around and Jaehee is coughing blood while Jihan looks okay but she's shaking badly.

"Can somebody tell me what happened?" Soojin unnie asked as she was pressing her wound in the head. Her blood dripping on her forehead. Jihan started crying out of nowhere and Jaehee shouting at her to shut up.

"Shut up, Han Jihyo!" That only made Jihan unnie cry more. "Lee Jaehee, calm down" Jiyoon unnie rubbed her back but she shook unnie away. Jiyoon unnie shook her head before going to my side. "Hyewon-ah, gwaenchana?" I nodded at her and she smiled. "Glad you're okay" she side-hugged me while patting my shoulder.

"I know everyone is confused but please chill down... be thankful you're alive" I stared at Monday unnie who's talking infront of us. Soojin unnie was rolling her eyes alot. "Dont talk like you're the leader here, Jimin" thankfully, Monday unnie doesn't have a a bad attitude. "Soojin unnie, calm down okay? I'm going to explain everything..." the eldest crossed her hands and shut up.

"So it's obvious that what happened is we got straded here... does anyone remember what happened before we got here?" Everyone shook their head except for some who doesn't care.

"Our ship sunk yesterday... maybe? I don't exactly know when but it sunk. Now we're out here, trying to survive. Can we all work as a team? Atleast for once so we can get through this?" Monday unnie asked but it seems like Soojin and Jaehee are not giving some interest.

"But if you don't like to cooperate, then work by your own."

Soojin unnie stood up but fell back down to the ground. "Ah!" Soeun unnie rushed to her to check on her. "Unnie's head was injured, we should take care of her" I heard Monday unnie sighed but nodded afterwards. "What about me?! Can't you see I'm coughing blood?" Jaehee tried to get the unnie's mercy and ofcourse... it worked.

"Okay fine... no one's going to be left behind. We're all in this together" Monday unnie left the group gathering and went somewhere. "W-Where is she going?" Asked Jihan. "Dont worry about her, she's going to get some food" Soeun unnie said.

I looked around and saw some luggages floating on the shore. I grabbed the back of Jiyoon unnie's clothes to get her attention then pointed her the luggages. "Bags!" She shouted and went to get it. Soeun unnie and Soojin unnie followed. Jaehee stopped coughing before resting her back on the palm tree, same as mine.

"What are you looking at? Get that bags" she told me and when I tried to stand up, I fell back to the ground. "Ha! Good for you" Jaehee unnie laughed at me.

I turn to Jihan unnie and her eyes were still puffy. I wonder why is she crying all the time. "Jihyo, your tears won't help us. Get the bags there" Jaehee then told Jihan. Jihan stared at her like she's nothing before ignoring Jaehee again.

"Yah! Argh, you guys are useless... tsk" Jaehee unnie stood up, going on some different palm tree to rest. "Dont mind her, Hyewon-ah" I heard Jihan unnie told me. I nodded at her before looking back to my unnie's on the shore. Jiyoon and Soeun unnie were dragging the luggage they can drag on the beach while Soojin unnie looks like she's just looking for her bag. She doesn't care about the other bags.

"I got some food... are you hungry Hyewon-ah?"

"She's not hungry, I am hungry" Jaehee butted in before taking some fruits on Monday unnie's hands. Monday unnie couldn't argue and just gave me some fruits. "Jihyo," she gave unnie an opened coconut. How did she cutted these?

"I'm going to build a house" Monday unnie left once again.

If only I could stand up and help her...

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