Splitting up

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Diana kept her group in the cafeteria. She placed down her tablet and pulled up the damage report.

"Alright. Nav, engi, comms are both damaged heavily. I'll work on navigation, Lola, fix comms. Raymond, James, Sophia, fix engines. We need this ship to be able to fly," Diana ordered. She turned sharply and headed to nav.

Without comms they had no way to get in contact with Jack or DS. Diana started to repair the wires as she zoned out.

Lola went to comms alone. She entered the room and started to try and fix the dial so they could hear. Not to mention all the other tasks.

She hummed a soft tube as she tried desperately to get it working again. Comms was always frustrating and she wished that Oliver was doing this instead.

But if she didn't get them back up and running then they would have radio silence. It could be a big problem.

The other three made she short walk down to the engine rooms. The left side had more damage so James and Raymond took it so that they could repair it quicker.

They worked in silence other than the occasional question or groan of annoyance. Neither minded the silence though.

Sophia sighed as she started to fix the right engine. It had way less damage and looked like it mainly needed to be refueled.

She walked towards storage so that she could easily refuel the engine. She walked in silence and waved to Lola as she glanced inside comms.

Jack had his team in a five mile radius. The moved clockwise to the left so that they could all remain split up.

He passed the outside of the ship, walking in silence. He realized after a full circle that he forgot one important thing. Comms we're still down. They had no way of contact with DS.

He knew that she would be fine. They would all be fine. Hopefully. DS had Alex, Red, Seth, and Ken. They could handle themselves. He hoped.

Carly kept a steady walking pace. She was used to being alone as she was never active on duty nor did she have a partner.

She was the smallest so she was the spy. She loved to use vents and actually hung out in them a lot.

She knew comms were down but liked to handle herself and hated when she was babied. Maybe it was because her parents didn't raise her Or because she had her parents in her.

Oliver would've rather been inside working on comms. While he liked fighting and training, he found that patrol was incredibly boring.

He was the youngest so he needed to have his mind occupied. Granted he wasn't that young, he was 15. Everyone else was already 16, including Carly.

It wasn't fair in his mind that he was the youngest. He should've felt special but it made him feel worse. The moment after he was born his parents left for the mission. He didn't have a picture of all three of them.

Jager walked. He was enjoying being outside for once. They had been on the ship for so long he had almost forgotten what it had been like outside. Despite it really only being a week.

Jager hoped that the cameras were up and working on the ship. No damage had come to them but you never knew.

He was happily walking in a steady pace. He shook his head and the hair fell out of his eyes. He ran a gloved finger through it and sighed as he kept walking.

Ella flicked her cat ears and tail. She liked patrol a lot. It was like hunting for a mouse or something. Except usually it ended with nothing.

She really only enjoyed patrol when Red was with her. Both enjoyed the hunt, which made them good for patrols like this. Her cat part made her nocturnal but also made her lazy.

She slept mainly unless she was on duty, and even then she was usually chilling. She was a hacker though so she wasn't usually on the field

DS led her team towards the crashed Skeld. It was a long walk but they made it there considering they ran most of the way.

"Split up, meet back here in a hour," she ordered. She was talking about the cafeteria.

DS walked towards the admin room and entered. Inside she opened the panel and looked. Only 5 figures on board. Just her and her team.

A sixth one flickered but she ignored it. A glitch most likely. She hummed a little as she continued looking around the admin room. A hand grabbed her and she felt something like into her neck.

"Hey what the-" she said and immediately felt tired. She collapsed back and her eyes closed.

Alex had gone to security. The cameras didn't work and he groaned. No way would he ever knew what had happened.

He crossed the hallway into reactor and frowned. The reactor was smoking. A green glove from a suit lay on the floor and he picked it up.

A strong sent of a male came off and he almost dropped it in shock. No way would a scent still be on this thing.

And yet it was. It was so familiar to. Definitely part dog or something, like himself. He made his way towards the corner and realized the vent was open. A lime color showed too.

He dragged the body out and for a second he thought it was an older version of James. Then it struck him.

It was Aipha

Seth had gone to the medbay. The vials were all on the floor and shattered. A lot of very recent, dried blood remained on the floor.

Whatever had happened here, couldn't have been more than a week ago. It used part of a vial to scrape it off and dropped it into his own vial he brought.

He let out a sigh of annoyance as he placed it into the vial machine. These things always took forever. He waited for it to be ready.

When it was he found out it was Corpses blood. What had happened here and why was it so recent?

No way was corpse still alive after this. Too much blood unless it was from more than one person. Right?

He opened the vent and almost screamed when he was a body. A dead body to be exact. It had a black mask and suit. It was Corpse and he was dead as hell.

Red had headed towards navigation. She was tense as she entered. A smell of rotten decay came from one of the vents in the room. She opened it and gasped.

She placed her hand to the body and realized it was old. A week or two at most. She couldn't tell who it was until it was fully out of the vent.

The blank eyes and hair that rubles down her shoulders. The yellow suit and fear that crossed her face made Red afraid.

This was Hafus body. How had she been on the Skeld though? And so recently too? She saw the necklace that was around Hafus back and took it.

She knew Jack may have wanted it. It broke Scarletts heart to see her aunt dead on the floor. Especially from a recent kill too.

Ken had gone to shields. A man in cyan stood there. He turned around and pulled a gun from his belt.

The cyan suit, black hair, strong figure, serious face.

"Wait don't shoot!" Ken yelled and ducked down. The man stared at him before his eyes widened.

"You're a kid," he said and lowered his gun. Ken nodded slowly and stared at him in shock.

"I'm Ken. Are you disguised Toast?"

"Yes. I am. What's a kid doing here?"

"I can explain that later. But I work with the corporation. And I think there's someone else here you might want to meet,"

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