getting more serious

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This is 2 weeks later. This might be the last chapter while they're in I-land. (During episode 11-12).
So have fun reading!
Niki POV

It's been about a week since Jake hyung found out. I told Jay that K hyung knows that I like him. I do sometimes regret that I told K hyung, because he always teases me about it. I know it's all fun in games but it does get annoying from time to time.

I yawned, grabbing my phone to check the time and saw that it was only 7:34 am. I started playing games on my phone until I got a message from Jay hyung.

Jay 😀

Jay 😀
Good morning :)

Good morning hyung!!!

Whatcha doing?

Jay 😀
Just lying in bed.

What about you??

I jumped out of my bed, tip toeing out of the room. I stopped messaging him because I wanted to see him in person. So I'm going to his room..... without asking him... at 7 o'clock in the morning.

I kept on feeling buzzes from my phone, but I just ignored it. Because I know what it is. I opened the door slowly. "Ni-k!?! what are you doing??" He asked me. I looked to see the Heeseung hyung and Sunghoon hyung already awake. I waved to them then ran to Jay hyung who is lying on his bed. I jumped on top of him making him groan. The others were laughing at what I was doing, while on their phone. I hugged Jay hyung, going under the covers, clinging to his body.

"You didn't answer my question, Ni-ki," Jay hyung said, while hugging me back. "Because, I wanted to see you," I said whispering the last part, then pointing to the others that were in the room. He nodded knowing what I meant. I just enjoyed to warmth, hugging him even tighter. "Niki I can't breathe," "Sorry," I said, loosening the hug.

Time skip to breakfast!!

I was eating my breakfast enjoying my meal, with everyone at the table. I was sitting in between K hyung and Hanbin hyung. I looked towards Jay hyung to see him and Sunoo hyung laughing. I didn't think anything of it at first. I tried to look away, but I just couldn't stop looking in their direction. Sunoo hyung put his arm around Jay's shoulders.

They started sharing each others food. I felt my blood boil. I kept trying to look away but I just couldn't. I was giving them a death stare. Holding my chopsticks so tightly, that my hands turned white. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up, grabbing everyone's attention. I was about to yell at them when I realised what I was doing.

K hyung grabbed my hand, pulling me back down into my seat. I looked at everyone, while they were looking at me. "You good?" I heard Jungwon hyung ask. I nodded with a small yes. I heard everyone starting to talk again, eating their breakfast. I looked again, at Jay hyung and saw him staring at me.

He wasn't talking to Sunoo hyung anymore. He was just looking at me, as if he knew why I acted like that. We all finished eating, grabbing our plates, putting them in the sink. As soon I put my plate in the sink I felt a hand grab my arm. Before I could see who it was they took me into the storage room.

"Did you react like that because you were jealous?" Jay hyung.... "Maybe," I softly said, looking down. "Listen. You don't have to be jealous, ok?" I nodded as a response. He brought me to a hug and I hugged back, holding my tears in. I don't know why I felt like crying, I just think I needed to. He retracted from the hug, kissing my forehead.

He cupped my face and I was leaning into his hands, closing my eyes. I smiled at how warm and comforting his hands were. I held his hands, opening my eyes. "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" He asked. I my eyes widened. "HUH!?!?" I yelled. "Jeez, that was a bit to loud Niki," he said holding his ears. I laughed at what he said. "Yes," I said. He let go of his ears to say "Can you repeat that please?" "I said... yes," I said with the biggest smile on my face.

He gave me a very tight hug, lifting me up in the air. As soon as he put me on the ground, he gave me a little peck on the lips. Making me laugh. We both started blushing. "Maybe we should go now," Jay hyung said. I was uncontrollably smiling at what just happened.

I opened the closet door, walking out with a blushing face. I walked downstairs to see K hyung give me a thumbs up while talking to Heeseung hyung. I laughed at how childish he been ever since I told him about Jay hyung. The rest of the day was calm and very chaotic.

It is now the time for episode 12. (Where we find out who is debuting in ENHYPEN)
Hope you enjoy this!

Niki POV

We have all lined up, getting ready to find out who is debuting. "We are now starting to announce who is debuting," I heard the annoucer say. I took a deep breath.

"The first person to make it into ENHYPEN is.... Heeseung,". We all were clapping and hugging to congratulate him on making it.

"The second person to make it into ENHYPEN is.... Ni-ki," I was shocked. I looked straight at Jay hyung who was smiling at me. I started to cry out of happiness. I hugged everyone, especially Jay hyung, who whispered good job to me. I then made my way to where Heeseung hyung was standing.

"The third person to make it into Jake," I was clapping and smiling to see him finally be able to debut. He then made his way to where the debut team was standing.

"The fourth person to make into ENHYPEN.... is Jay," I was so happy that he will debut with me! As he made his way to the debut team, he was smiling with tears of joy. As soon as he came up, I hugged him really tightly and this time I said good job to him.

"The fifth person to make it into ENHYPEN is.... Jungwon" I was clapping and celebrating at the fact that he made it. He walked up to the debut team and I gave him a big hug.

"The sixth person to make it into ENHYPEN is.... Sunghoon," I cheered that Sunghoon hyung was able to make it. Because he is a very good candidate for our team.

"The final person to make it into ENHYPEN is.... Sunoo," I was smiling that he was able to make, since he has always been working hard.

Now that we have got the debut team everyone hugged each other cheering. But that was until I saw Daniel and K hyung. They are not going to debut... Once we were able to go to them, I ran to K hyung. "Have a good time ok? Good job on being able to debut," K hyung said in Japanese. I nodded while getting teary. Everyone went into a group hug. We said our goodbyes to K hyung and Daniel.

It was time to leave, we all gathered our belongs to leave. I took one good look at I-land before leaving the building. We all got into the car. Getting ready for a new future.
They finally debuted!! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.
Words: 1287

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