Clash on the bridge

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Then, much to everyone's surprise he started to make hand signs! With only one hand! Is that even possible???

"What the....." I said out loud, unable to hide the surprised look on my face.

"Secret jutsu: A thousand needles of death!" He slammed his feet on the ground and caused the scattered water on the round to float up into the air.

Eh?? What kind of jutsu is that?? I then noticed that the water started to take the shape of senbon needles, and they were all aiming at Sasuke in the center.

"Sasuke-kun!!!" Sakura and I shouted and I tried to think up of a jutsu to save Sasuke.

Fuuton reppushou? No... that might push the needles towards him... but its water, could it possibly revert back to water once my jutsu reaches it?

Doubts were clouding over my mind as I couldn't come to a decision, "Ah!" while I was busy trying to think of ways to help Sasuke, he had already gotten himself out of the situation by jumping really high just as the water needles were supposed to hit him.

Could he have used what we learnt during training just now? Damn.

Haku had jumped away when the needles struck down, he noticed that Sasuke wasn't there anymore and looked up to see Sasuke in mid-air.

"Akiko!!" Sasuke shouted as he threw shurikens at Haku.

I quickly figured out what he was trying to get me to do and made the hand signs.

"Fuuton: Reppushou!" I clapped my hands together, feeling the wind around me being compressed, creating a powerful gale that sent Sasuke's shurikens flying towards Haku at an even higher speed than before.

But it wasn't enough to catch him off guard, Haku merely jumped backwards as he deflected the incoming shurikens with his senbon needle, successfully defending himself from our attacks without a single scratch.

Just as Haku landed on the ground and began to straighten up, "You're pretty slow..." Sasuke had appeared behind him. "From now on, you'll only be able to defend my attacks!"

They then spun away from each other before Sasuke attacked again which was blocked by Haku's arm. Sasuke expertly flicked the kunai in his hand at Haku which Haku avoided by ducking. Only to be met by Sasuke's foot, kicking him in the face and sending him backwards to Zabuza's feet.

Damn, the both of them were fast, there wasn't a chance for me to step in!

"It seems that I'm faster than you." he mocked at Haku.

"I can't have you mocking my team calling them brats..." Kakashi sensei spoke up after being quiet while watching Sasuke fight. "They may not look like it, but Sasuke and Akiko there are the top 1 and 2 rookies respectively of Konoha."

Guh! Praising us all of a sudden! I looked away slightly to hide my embarassment.

"Sakura is the brightest in the village, and the other one is the number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja, Uzumaki Naruto."

Gosh, he's making me feel more confident now.

Zabuza started to laugh to himself again, "Haku, do you know what this means? At this rate, you'll be defeated by them."

"Yeah..." Haku stood up slowly and faced us, I could feel and see chakra radiating off of him.

I have a bad feeling about this! I quickly ran towards Sasuke, "Sasuke, we need to stick together!"

"It's unfortunate..."

I stopped right next to Sasuke, my body tense, ready to fight. "Is this... cold air?" Now that he said it, the air does feel a bit cold....

Naruto, the 4th member of Team 7Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ