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Tile:Sunghoon as ur bf
Random headcannons? myb
i seriously have no idea what to call this-

❝ the type of bf ᵕ̈

-he is probably the type of boyfriend that would constantly bicker with you
-acts very immature or you could say childish around you
-also the type to always take care of you but at the same time denies that he's doing it for you kinda thing, like he'd bring an extra jacket if the whether is a bit cold, and if you ever happen to ask his on why he's carrying another jacket, he'd end up replying with "no this jacket is just an in case...if the one i'm wearing gets wet or anything" and then ends up giving it to you the moment you start feeling cold- [does this make sense-]
-he's also the type to literally sneak out with you at 4am to get some snacks from the convenience store and run around the park or do whatever just because
-remember when i said there will be some teasing/bickering? yes, here it is. I see hoon as the type to make fun of you all the time. OH PLEASEEHSISHK he just adores you wayyy too much and thinks you look really cute whenever you're angry or such.

↳ ׂׂૢ༘ ۵ random headcannons ༉‧₊˚✧ . ˚

-you're dating a crackhead with a VERY high confidence level
-are you datin- i mean taking care of a 3yo too?
-he teases you alllloottttt but obv not in the mean type of way, just lightly..?you could say
-like when you accidentally trip and fall, the first thing he does is laugh, then give you his hand
-just to pull it back cuz he likes messing with you
-he constantly teases you BUTT if he notices his teasing is making you insecure or uncomfortable he'll stop immediately
-cuz like making you feel loved and happy overall is definitely his number 1 priority
-and plus point, his intentions weren't to hurt u or anything so yeah
-he's determined to make u laugh, because to him, your giggles would literally take him up to cloud 9
-like this man is ready to do anything to make you smile
-yes, even if it means him looking like a total fool
-the mall;from suddenly leaving your side, running to the opposite end of the aisle and then running back to hug you just like that
-or the grocery store, he literally embarrasses you to the point where you yourself regret bringing him with you
-cause like all he did was stay whining and sulking asking when you'll go back cuz he wants his cuddles when you both literally just entered✌💀
-there was going to be no difference if you let him stay at home considering the fact that you ended up doing everything
-he also helps not so helps you in doing your chores
-well then let me explain
-we all know he's playful
-so he literally could turn any boring chore into a game, competition to be precise
-whether it was laundry, dishes, tidying up, vacuuming, whatever-
-"last one to finish the dishes gets the other one boba✌🙃"
-but the thing is, even if he wins, he'll still end up buying you the drink cuz he doesn't nor is going to let you spend a single thing on him
-all he wants is your undying love and affection so please do give him that:(
-he's also very clingy?? but like do you hate it?no.
-let me give you an example, when you visit their dorms as the best one in mind rn
-you would literally just ring the door bell once-
-the moment he hears the door bell he SPRINTS towards you
-literally knocking everything blocking his way down
-and engulfing you in a big fat bearhug making very sure that every single bone in your body is crushed
-miss girl if you think he's leaving your side anytime soon you're wrong
-and right after this beautiful welcome, you went to greet the other members who were looking at you both in amusement-
-speaking of the members, yes you got along with them very well which was something hoon was relived about-
-okay now back to where we were, yes after greeting the other members he dragged you to the bedroom to cuddle for at least an hour just because
-and after that
-he ended up sleeping.
-and you were still awake, because you were..??
-and he looked so freaking peaceful while sleeping
-so you just admired him, ofcourse after snapping a picture of him and putting it as your wallpaper just beause ur wallpaper was getting oldjsshwi
-*after a whilleee* you also slept.

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