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Title: Road trips
-You and heeseung were planning to go on a road trip for a while, and today was finally the day!
-With no idea where you both were going yall just went with the flow.
-You and Heeseung are both music lovers so the main problem was who will choose the song but it was soon sorted out, each one of tou has a turn to choose a song.
-You both had a similar taste[calm, sad songs but actually it depends on your mood]
-Songs started playing one by one and you both were singing[while writing this i was listening to 2002 and when i typed singing anne also sang that part- anyways back to the story or whatever this thing is] not forgetting the fact that you both were holding hands with the windows open.[Just enjoy the moment, i an writing this in the car at night with the windows open so boom just got an idea haha].
-"omg seung ddeung look there! donuts! can we please go get some?" you said excitedly, heeseung agreed cuz ngl he wanted some too.
-Yall got yalls donuts and drove back home.
-Cuddles to sleep.

-2 of your cousins, Jay and you decided to go on a trip to (just any place).
-You and jay were in the back seat playing among us(no idea why but ye) with a bunch of other people while eating corn.
-"Jay ik you're the imposter" "stop venting" "look at yo-" "both of you play quietly!"
-After around 30 minutes of playing you and jay got bored and decided to watch some cute animal videos(idk bout ya but i do that🤷‍♀️)and since you both were in the back seat with a blanket wrapped around both of you, JayJ being the big spoon, you started watching it.
-Thats how the ride was until you reached (that place:).

-You both decided to go to the beach[thats like 40mins away]for [any occasion], but while you were like almost there it started raining so there was a change of plans, knowing there isnt anything near you both right now, Jake remembered that there was an indoor cherry blossom garden that was around 30mins far but yeah.
-Songs that were slowed and clam were playing in the background while you and jake were talking about random things.
-Hands intertwined
-You cant forget 'the cutest one' battle between you both.
-Yes and you both didn't and i mean didn't play the 'i know more ways to hold hands game'
(okay but tf is this-😫🤚)

-Cuz its almost new year, enha, you and your bestie were going to [that place where they could see the fireworks and where they could rent that thingy].
-you and hoon were sitting behiiiiindd like way back while the others were in front, with heeseung driving.
-You and hoon were both tired since yall came right from practice[ye ice skating].You and hoon FLOPPED onto the back seat...?(if that makes sense), with each one of you leaning diagonally [okay since i suck at explaining, that moment where jake was depressed in iland?ya know what i mean], this close to sleeping
-"y/n, come here"hoon said opening his arms ready to embrace you as you gladly hugged him.
-You both ended up sleeping through the whole ride even though the others were so noisy.
[yes i was this close to sleeping while writing this so by now the ending was just of them sleeping]

-Today you had a school trip, in pairs.
-[like there will be assigned groups and in these groups there will be partners, each group is given a mission and blablabla].
-You and sunoo are frenemies, the thing is that, for yalls mission you both had to go to[a place just think of anything idk why and who the hek needs a bus to go for a mission for a school trip but pls just let this pass lmfao].
-Before entering the bus, you and sunoo looked at each other for a while and immediately started running to enter b4 the other one, it was because you always love to sit in the window seat and sunoo does too.
-Anyways sunoo got at and you were quite unhappy.
-Both ended up sleeping on each others shoulders.

-Jungwon had a competeion [or whatever that thing yall call for taekwondo thingy]in daegu [or some kinda place that requires ayll to use a train].
-Yall had to be there the night before the competition so that he could actually be there on time and to just idk.
-The whole ride was just him acting like he ate sth wrong and you laughing ur asś[lol] off.
-There was this time when yall almost reached he was in a  'not motivated' mood or just like doubting himself thinking if he could do it or nah ans you spent around 30 minutes explaining to him that he can do it and all that.
-And as he should, Jungwon our hidden ace.


-The year finally ended so you and ni-ki we're going to okayama to spend some time with both of yalls families [just imagine y/n's japanese].
-It was around 15:00 when yall got into the train[yes yall were in tokyo- pls idk what dis sht is i just wanna end it cuz i have another thing im more excited to write but i dont wanna ruin the theme-k i say too much back to this sht]
-Both of you were tired as you still havent recovered from those sleepless nights.
-After taking a couple of selcas and listening to songs while eating snacks and admiring the view, you and niki felt sleepy.
-And since yall know those bigaz train seats like those ones in miraculous ladybug, yall somehow slept cuddling.

[AND I DID IT!! I FINISHED THIS!!PLS IGNORE THIS THING IDK WHAT IT IS, and no i didn't reread it so if it doesn't make any sense....🤷‍♀️]

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