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"MISS STUDENT PRESIDENT, when you did come back?" Alex arches an eyebrow at her, watching her hug Celine and Jay.

"Just got back from Italy yesterday," she shrugs, "And I missed seeing your dumb faces so I decided to come back today instead of staying home."

"Dumb faces?" Jay frowns, "I have the prettiest face among you guys!"

"I think I need to get my eyesight checked," David mutters, "I can't see anyone pretty here," he squints his eyes, earning himself a slap on the shoulder from Louise.

"You just called me a pretty boy yesterday, David," Alex pouts his lips, "Were you flattering me?"

"Pretty boy?" Louise gasps, "You called him a pretty boy! Oh, my days!"

"I always knew you secretly had feelings for Alex!" Louise widens her eyes, trying to hold back a laugh.

"What?" David scoffs, "Ew, no. Never!" He shakes his head, avoiding Alex's gaze.

"It's okay, Davie," Alex pats his shoulder, "I'll accept your love for me any day," he chuckles, giving him his brightest smile.

"You disgust me," David cringes, pushing his hand off his shoulder and taking a step back.

"Why do I have to witness this the day I come back?" Daphne mumbles, staring at them while shaking her head.

"Don't worry, Daph. I'll make you my maid of honour!" Alex grins, winking at her.

"I thought that was me!" Jay gasps, widening his eyes at him, "No one can take my spot!"

"What?" David frowns, "Who's getting married?"

"You and Alex," Celine smiles, pointing at both of them.

David blinks at her, frowning, "Not you joining them too," he grumbles, "I'm out of here," he turns around, ready to walk away.

Louise laughs, "Come here, you grumpy bear," she grasps his arm, easily pulling him back.

"You know I can prescribe you some Serotonin for all that moodiness?" Daphne flicks David's forehead, throwing him a smile.

"What? Are you trying to experiment on me?" David arches an eyebrow at her, "I will never take any pills you give me."

"But you literally run to her when you feel like there is something wrong with you," Celine tilts her head, staring at David while pointing at Daphne.

"Because she owns a fucking chain of pharmacies and hospitals! She already knows everything," David scoffs, "But right now, no thank you. I'm perfectly fine."

"That's what every ill person says, sweetheart," Louise chuckles.

"She's right," Daphne smiles, "I'll always have the pills for you, Davie."

"Stop," David grumbles, "I don't want to die this soon."

"Out of everyone here, I can say that you'll be the last one of us to die," Daphne laughs, "You're impossible to kill, Winchester."

"Your words are so encouraging, Harrington," David fakes a smile, "They give me the will to live."

"My pleasure, Winchester," she grins.

"Louise," the brunette turns around to look at the sinfully beautiful blonde girl, the devil in disguise. "How was it like being the student president for two weeks?" Daphne laughs.

Louise had taken her role as the student president for the time being so Daphne wouldn't come back to a huge pile of work to do.

"Surprisingly, it was alright," the blonde girl chuckles, "But the amount of work I had to do was absolutely insane. I still have no clue how to manage to do everything," she murmurs.

"I'm miraculously intelligent," Daphne laughs, "There is nothing I can't manage, Lou."

"Oh, I know, love." Louise smiles, "But let me tell you one thing. Your vice-president did nothing. Absolutely nothing at all," she frowns, pointing at Alex.

"But he never does anything," Daphne murmurs, glancing at the brown-haired boy who was avoiding their gazes, "He just cracks up at his own jokes."

"I did do something!" Alex frowns, "I was staring at Louise. That takes a lot of—"

"Shut up," Louise grumbles, "That is not doing work. You were simply gawking at me. That is something you always do, Alex."

Alex grins, "Because you're undeniably beautiful—"

"I know," Louise smiles, "You don't remind me of that, Alex."

"But you do remind me of how beautiful I am," Jay narrows his eyes, "It is your duty as my best friend," he points at Alex.

Alex laughs, "Jayden Westwood, you're the love of my life, man," he throws a wink.

"I don't know if I should be happy," Celine murmurs,  "The wrong ship is sailing."

"Shh, Lin!" Louise hushes her, "Let them experience their bromance so we can peacefully leave," she laughs as she watches the two boys hug.

Daphne grins at David, "Shouldn't you be joining them, Winchester? I can smell the jealousy emitting from you."

David frowns, "I am not jealous, Daphne. I'm very happy where I'm standing."

"He's one of the girls, Daphne," Louise laughs, "Time for a girls hug too!"

David widens his eyes, "I am not one of the girls—leave me!" He groans as the three girls wrap their arms around him, squeezing him in between them.

David sighs, knowing him saying anything wasn't going to make the girls break the hug. Their hugs usually lasted a good few minutes. And so, David smiled a little as the girls tightened their hold around him.

He felt a certain girl's arms tighten around his neck so he threw a glare at her. "I know what you're doing, Louise. You're trying to kill me—"

Louise Lennox innocently smiles, "I'm showing you my affection, Winchester."

"Well, I definitely don't need it," he frowns.

"Well, you definitely need some of Celine's affection," the blonde girl whispers in his ear and smiles to herself as she watches pink rush to his cheeks.

He smiles a little, "That I do need. A lot of it."

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