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" Yeah yo. That's what I told him, nigga don't listen. ", I laughed into the phone. Trell a funny ass nigga swear ta God. I heard Kaycee storming down the stairs. She walked into the living room where I was at and stood over me with her arms crossed.

I looked up at her, " You good yo? " I made a confused face at her. I noticed in one of her hands she was holding some papers. She eyed me and still wasnt saying nothing.

" Hold on Trell, Ima call you back later. ", I said before hanging up. Kaycee threw the papers in my lap and I smacked my lips, " Why you throwing shit at me? "

" Why would you go and pay for my mom's treatment bill? I told you my mom being sick had nothing to do with you Deion. ", she scolded. I grabbed the papers and they were receipts from the hospital saying I payed $30,000. I didn't know they send these out.

I looked back up at Kaycee and I could tell she was shitty. I was just trying ta do what I thought was right yo, why she mad?

" That wasn't your place to do that Deion! ", she yelled. I put the papers to the side, " Sit down and we can talk yo. "

She shook her head, " I don't wanna sit down. What you did wasn't your place! I don't need your money, I was handling it! "

I sighed, her yelling at me was finna piss me off.

" Nobody said you needed my money yo. I just wanted ta do sum nice and help you out because I know it ain't easy having somebody in the hospital- ", I started explaining until she cut me off.

" I don't need you paying for her treatments because you feel sorry for me! My mom isn't a fucking charity organization you donate to because you feel bad! "

I smacked my lips, " Yo what? " I waved her off and got up, what is she talking about? Done pissed me off. She don't know the real reason why I did what I did and I can't tell her either or Vontae gone be shitty at me so Ima just leave it alone. I don't feel like arguing with nobody, I ain't into allat yelling and shit.

I look around for my keys. " Why are you about to leave? We're having a conversation. ", she said behind me. I looked back at her, " It ain't even a conversation yo... all you doing is yelling at me and ain't letting me explain myself. " She sat down on the couch and crossed her arms.

" You wanna argue and I ain't with allat, it ain't in my character. ", I shrugged. " So Ima step out and give you a chance ta calm down. "

I continued looking for my keys and Kaycee didn't say anything and I had nothing else ta say. I don't get why she mad and yelling at me when I tried ta do something nice and help her out... and it wasn't even about just helping her out I did what I did for Mrs. Stevens, Kaycee, and Vontae. It was for all of them because little do Kaycee know, Mrs. Stevens and Vontae were my only family for a long time.

At the time, Kaycee was staying with her Dad so she didn't know about me staying with Mrs. Stevens and Vontae at all... and I cant even tell her about it.

" Alright... I'm done yelling... ", Kaycee mumbled breaking the silence. I turned and went back and sat on the couch, " Ight, let's talk then. Gone head and start. We can take turns yo so we not talking over each other. "

She looked away from me and down at her hands, " I feel like if you wanted to help, you should've came to me first. You paying for her treatment wasn't your place and I get you were trying to help but I don't want you spending your money on something that- for one, costs a lot and for two, isn't your fault nor has anything to do with you. "

I nodded, I guess I understand where she coming from. I should've at least asked but she was gone tell me no and I wasn't gonna take no for an answer.

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