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" So how you been? ", my older brother, Vontae, questioned me. I reached my hand out to grab his hand as we sat at the tables. The police officer eyed me intentively but I didn't care. I missed my brother so much.

" I've been good... I'm sorry I haven't been visiting as much. I just started a new job and mom has been in and out of treatments so- ", I started explaining until he cut me off.

" You good Cee, I understand you got shit going on. You don't have to worry about me... I'm good. ", he assured. I nodded and gave him a small smile. " How's dukes? "

I sighed and looked down at the table and slowly moved my hand away from his. Mom isn't really getting worse but she isn't getting better either. I keep paying and paying for treatments that aren't helping her to become better.

" She's okay. ", I told him truthfully. He leaned back away from the table. I stared at him, it's always been hard to read Vontae's face. He never showed emotions and it was always hard for him to speak up about how he feels.

He's always been like that since we were little. I've learned that if he was ready and really wanted to express hisself he would. He's always patient with me so I always try to make sure I do the same.

" You okay? ", I ask him softly. He nods, " Yeah... you still paying for the treatments? " I nodded but didn't say anything.

" Times up! ", one of the guards yelled causing me to jump a little. Vontae stood up and so did I. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my hair before pulling away. " I'm proud of you sis... I love you. "

I gave him a smile, " I love you too Vontae. " Hearing that he's proud of me makes me feel better about everything. I don't really hear people tell me their proud of me often.

I wanted him to be able to go home with me so bad. I miss having my brother around. It's not really his fault he's in here and it's sad he's doing time for somebody else's actions.


I scan over the club and spot Deion as he's talking to a group of guys in a different section. He's been hanging and talking with them for the past 3 hours.

I sigh as I look at my phone, I tried calling my mom 10 times and she didn't answer. She was supposed to be out of treatment by now. I usually try to talk to her after her treatments to see how she's feeling.

The nurses told me I couldn't call them late at night anymore. My cutoff time was 10 and it was 11 now.

This was the first time she hasn't answered my calls after treatment and it's worrying me.

I put my head in my hands and take a deep breath. I hope the treatment went good. I really hope it did...

" You straight? ", I heard someone ask me. I look up and a guy was sitting on the other side of the booth eyeing at me.

I nodded. He looked familiar, I squinted my eyes and realized it's the guy from the last meeting who didn't do or say anything but stare at me. He must work with Deion or something for him to keep popping up at different meetings.

He chuckled, " Why you looking at me like that? " I took a sip from my drink. This was my 5th drink tonight. I don't usually drink but it's been helping me take my mind off my mom and my brother.

I just feel so useless and guilty that I'm not doing more to help them. I feel like I need to do more but I just don't know what more I could do. I'm barely making it by paying for my mom's treatments.

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