2:19- Possibilities

Start from the beginning

"I said," I stopped talking, his voice was soft, "do you want to meet your parents, because you can." I couldn't believe it. I sat up on my knees, by his hip, my hands covered my mouth.


"I asked Yeosang for help a while ago, and he agreed. We could leave tomorrow morning, if you'd like." He smiled, I stared down at him in disbelief. "We can leave early in the morning, we can take a car and drive there. Simple as that."

"What if they need me here?"

"You're not working anyways, you can't, since you're in your stages. You shouldn't work in a such a fragile state like this." His eyes sparkled with excitement, like he was hoping he could take me away. "We would only be gone for two days, though."

"Why are you doing this for me?" My smile grew until it hurt, I leaned in, preparing to pounce and trap him in a hug. I was scared, but the grateful feeling I felt in my chest was by far more important. He went out of his way to make this opportunity for me, so that I might actually meet my parents.

"Because I care about you, and I figured you'd at least want to know them. It's my gift, for you."

I practically jumped on him, my elbows by his shoulders and my hands held his face. "Thank you so much, I'll go." His hands came to my waist with ease, he seemed comfortable, and I was glad.

"That's great, we should-"

"-Pack, for the morning." I already hopped up and went in my closet. I stopped at the door, I held onto the door frame as I turned around. "Seonghwa?" He looked at me from where he crouched, he was looking through the suit case he brought to my room. "Do you know your biological parents?" I was very careful when I asked, like I was walking in a field filled with landmines, like everything could explode at any second.

"Mm, it's a long story." His smile faltered when he saw my nervous expression. "You know what, I can tell you on our way to Busan. I promise."

"Alright, as long as you're fine with it." The corners of my lips rose softly before I whirled back into my closet.


"I'm too tired for this." I huffed out a breath, I dramatically trudged through the darkness with a scowl on my face. I pulled on my luggage with a little too much force than Seonghwa's liking.

"Shh! If we get caught Hongjoong will burn me at the stake. I'm not even kidding, he told me that." I held back a laugh quite obviously. Seonghwa rolled his eyes, unbeknownst to me. We were both a tad grumpy and tired, yet the fear of getting caught distracted us both from the annoyances and the excitement.

"Why am I not surprised." I mumbled as I looked around, there really were no guards. Me and Seonghwa were taking the long way around, around to the back deck and out to the parking lot. It took a while, me and Seonghwa kept close a watch on the premises. Any wrong move could get us both in trouble, especially Seonghwa. Not even a minute later, we walked across the deck and found our destination. The parking lot was filled with cars, it had a second floor as well.

"I'm glad to see you both made it." Yeosang's smile was sweeter now than before, I enjoyed the sight.

"How did you figure this all out?" He neared me and took my suitcase, I smiled back as a thank you.

"It was quite easy actually, I found your parents records and found their location, then looked into them a little bit just to make sure. Then I messed with the guards work schedules and cleared out the security for the back. Then I rented a car," he pointed to a white car. It looked nice, but I wasn't into cars so I didn't know anyways.

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