Entry 2

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"Safrina, it's fine... I'll find another internship somewhere else", Maggie said.

"Didn't you say this company was the best?", I asked her.

"She was right about that", Mr. Hayes said, drawing our attention, "my company is the best, and interning for me would put her at the top of the list of any college she wants to attend."

"Are you going to give her another chance or just rub it in her face?", I asked him.

"That all depends on you, Safrina", he said as he leaned back in his chair, "I'll give your friend..."

"Sister...", I said cutting him off, "and yes, I'll do whatever it is you were going to ask me to."

"You don't have to do this, Safrina", Maggie said.

"I'll wait outside", I said, turning to her, "kill this, ok?"

"Ok", she said before I turned to leave.

"Safrina...", Mr. Hayes called after me, "for the next three months... I'm your only client."

"What?", I asked.

He smirked at me, "You have thirty minutes", he said to Maggie, "and your sister only got you a second chance at the interview, not the internship."

She looked over at me, "You got this", I said.

I glanced at him as I walked out of the office... confused didn't even begin to describe how I was feeling. My only client for the next three months... he saw the sweats, right? Fuck... I'm going to lose all my regulars, it took me months to build my list... but it is only three months and he does tip better than everybody else... and fucks a lot better too. Maybe it won't be that bad... but, what's going to happen when the three months are up? I'm going to have to start over... fuck... Maggie better get this fucking internship.


"God, would you stop pacing?", the desk girl asked me.

I stopped and looked up at her, "Listen, you don't want to start with me right now, ok", I said, "because, I promise you... I'm ten times the bitch you are."

"It's true", Maggie said from behind me.

I turned to her, "How'd it go?", I asked her.

"What flavor ice cream are we getting?", she asked, smiling.

"You killed it?", I asked.

"I murdered it", she said, "I start today, after school."

"Come on, we'll get ice cream before I drop you off then", I said as I took her hand.

"Wait", she said, "he wants to see you."

"I have to get you to school Mags", I said, "they only gave you the two first sessions."

"He offered his driver to take me", she said.

"You sure you're ok with this?", I asked her.

"I'm fine, Saf", she said, "this is literally my dream."

I pulled her to me and hugged her, "Congrats sis, you deserve this", I said.

"Thanks, Saf", she said before she let go.

I smiled at her as I turned towards the office. I went in and locked the door behind me then looked up at him. He had that slight smile on his face and I couldn't help but wonder if he ever actually smiles.

"Sit", he said.

"You sure you don't want me on my knees?", I asked.

"Not yet", he said, "we have a few things to discuss."

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