Chapter VIII: Make you mine

Start from the beginning

"Did you get them?" I nod. "So you found out why she stopped talking to you, too?"

I hesitantly nod. "There was a night that Jina, the girl I dated for a bit while Y/n and I were still friends, and I got into an argument. She asked me if I loved her, and I told her that I didn't know...which was honest. She asked me if I loved Y/n, and I said yes. She took it the wrong way and stormed out... I got drunk that night, and I think I called Y/n mistakenly thinking it was Jina, and I said all of this bullshit and I broke her heart. I told her that she was nothing and that I was only friends with her because she had family trauma. I don't even remember doing this, but I was drunk as hell..."

"Damn..." Jimin says. "That sounds so unlike you. You two were attached to the hip, you loved being with Y/n... What made you say that?"

"I have no idea. I never thought that ever. I guess I was trying to make Jina stay, I remember feeling very distraught during that time because I could never get a girl to stay. All they wanted to do was fuck, and they didn't genuinely enjoy being with me. Maybe I was trying to make her stay by any cost. I was drunk though, so I let my mind loose and spill shit...but it was still wrong..." I say to Jimin, feeling guilty I did that. It hurts because I can't believe I said that, and it doesn't sound like me. I would never say that, but I did. It's so confusing.

"So did you fix things?" He asks the question I don't know how to answer. Did we? I mean we took a step into the healing process, but it's not good yet...

"Sort of... I told her if she didn't stop with what she was doing, sleeping around and that stuff, I would pester her and question why, but if she did stop sleeping with random guys, I would stop," I say out of breath, leaving any details of our agreement unspoken, though I hate to.

We stop running, and Jimin tosses his hair back with his hand. "And she just agreed to that? Without any negotiation?"

I sigh, rubbing my forehead nervously. There's no way I can keep this hidden from him. I know Y/n doesn't want me to tell anyone, but I don't see a way around keeping this silent from Jimin. "Don't say anything to anyone, alright...? She doesn't want anybody knowing but I don't think I can hide this from you," I say. He nods with a raised eyebrow. I take a deep breath before admitting to this. "We agreed if she wanted me to stop asking questions, she would stop sleeping with random guys, and she would... sleep with me instead..."

"What?!" Jimin yells suddenly. "You're sleeping with her?!" I make a face at him to quiet down and he understands, yet still persists with questions. "Why would you say that? You like her, dude! That's not helping your case if you're sleeping with her!"

I shake my head. "It's not for me! I'm doing a lot of this because I can help her... If I can stay close to her, she'll learn slowly to open up to me, and she can heal herself. That's what this is for..."

"I don't think it's a good idea, Kook," he says, wiping sweat off his forehead. Jimin narrows his eyes as he looks at me, giving me a scary look. "But be honest, you like the fact that you're going to be having sex with her, don't you?"

I shove his chest, watching as he laughs at me. "Stop it, you know I've only done it once before. I'm fucking scared, man..."

"Why, it's not that hard? Once you get horny, all the nerves go away and you just do it. It's not something you really think about," he says, making me find it very hard to believe.

"Yea, I know, I've had sex before," I say sarcastically, knowing that's not how my first experience went. "I want to think about it though, I'm having sex with the closest friend I've ever had, that's weird! It shouldn't happen! But, shit, my crush on her is so bad, I don't want to just fuck and leave... That's what she's expecting!" I vent, letting out my insecurities for Jimin to help me with. "It's like what I've been afraid of... I don't want to pursue something that the other side is not putting the effort into."

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