That Silly Moose

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Pairing: Lumpy x the Mole, onesided Mime x Lumpy
Info: A bit of a prequel to "Silent Heartbreak" that shows what happens that leads to Mime's realization that Lumpy never truly loved him

Mole wasn't always blind. Sure, his eyesight was bad during the daytime, but all he needed was to wear sunglasses and the occasional hat. He could see exceptionally well at night when he was younger.

But for some reason, his vision declined sometime in his early teens. He didn't tell anyone for the longest time because he didn't think it was that serious until he woke up one day unable to see anything. His parents had rushed him to the hospital and, apparently, he had retinal detachments in both of his eyes. The doctors weren't sure how or why it happened, and after he told them what was going on before it happened, they confirmed it.

"We could have saved your eyes if you had said something sooner."

Being an only child with absentee parents, he wasn't used to telling people things were going on. While it wasn't his parents fault, considering they had gone into serious debt and both had to work very long hours to provide for him and make up the debt, they blamed themselves deeply for not being more aware. Mole always tried to tell them it wasn't their fault, that it was his for keeping quiet to not bother them, they never accepted it. They were so guilt ridden that they sent him away to live with his grandparents, in Happy Tree Friends Town, where they could help Mole adjust to his new life without sight because they could afford to watch him unlike his parents.

That was ten years ago. He hadn't seen or heard from them since he was twelve.

Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.

Mole groaned, turning over to turn off his alarm clock. His grandparents had left one day when he was twenty. Handy had been over that day since he wasn't able to figure out what was going on because he couldn't find them or hear them anywhere around the property. His friend had found a note they left, along with documents to the house, car, and life insurance that was all signed over to him in his name.

"Alright. Throw your hands up! Chest wide for thirty seconds! Take deep breathes!"

His morning routine, after cleaning up his room, taking care of his teeth, and eating, was to do his daily exercise. Recommended by Lumpy, the town's mayor and almost every other business owner there was.

Why am I even doing this?

He did gain some weight over the years, but since starting this up a year ago, he was able to go back his slim weight and moved around a lot better. Lumpy had suggested it to him one day when they happened to run into each other one of his nightly walks. Being the oblivious man he was, he commented on Mole's weight, when no one else did, and told him to get onto the exercise channel. There were twenty-four hour streaming times for working out. At first, he had brushed it off because he felt a little humiliated at being told his lifestyle was unhealthy.

Until he got into an accident where he broke the floorboards and ended up getting pulled in half by a runaway hot air balloon that had somehow got a motor attached on top with a dandling rope. It was a painful death compared to his other deaths, and he developed a small phobia of wooden floorboards until he worked up the nerve to get back in shape.

"That concludes the thirty minute workout for nine o'clock! We're going to take a thirty minute break. If you have time for another workout, stay tuned for nine-thirty's round!"

"Ugh, no thanks." Mole tsked, grabbing the remote and shutting off the t.v.

He walked around and went to go take a shower before heading out for work.

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