"God... just please fuck me", I begged.

He gripped my hair and pulled my head back, "As you wish", he groaned against my ear before slamming into me.

"Fuck!!", I screamed out.

I dug my nails into the couch as he leaned over me, pounding into me so hard, the couch started moving. He held on to the couch as he started going harder, slamming into me over and over. It felt so good... he felt so fucking good. He wrapped his arm around me, slipping it between my legs as he pressed against my clit.

"Fuck... god... fuck", I moaned.

He lifted me and spun me around so my face was pressed against the seat and my ass was in the air. He pulled out and gripped my ass, spreading it apart as he slipped his tongue into my pussy. He pulled me back against him and I started wondering if I was pulling away because I definitely did not mean to. He twisted his tongue around my clit and something magical... yes, fucking magical happened inside me. I couldn't say what it was but I wanted to feel it again and again and again. He slapped me on my ass then slipped his cock back in slowly. My toes fucking curled and I was making sounds I didn't know I could even make. He rolled his hips and sank so fucking deep. His hand was pressed in the center of my back, I couldn't move or shifted or anything except take it. I bit into my lip so hard I was tasting blood. It felt like my stomach was doing fucking somersaults. I bucked back against him and he pressed down harder. I dug my nails into the couch as his pace quickened. I was screaming things I'm pretty sure wasn't english...

"Fuck... fuck... fuck!", I screamed as my orgasm ripped from inside me.

I was seeing stars... actual fucking stars. I shouldn't be hoping for another meeting but I was and his cock wasn't even out of me yet. He was rubbing my back... fucking massaging it and my shoulders. He's was definitely making his way up my list of best clients.

He pulled out slowly and I already fucking missed him.

"Here you can have this now", he said as he passed me the drink he'd poured earlier, "I'm not your client anymore and you certainly earned it."

"Fuck it", I said as I took it, "but, just so you know there's someone who knows exactly where I am and who I'm with."

He smiled slightly as he turned away from me, "Good to know", he said.

I took in his ass for a while before I emptied the glass... what I'd give to just run my nails over that.

"You can use that bathroom if you need to", he said.

"Yea... thanks", I said.

I took up my clothes then got up and went towards it. Hands down the nicest fucking bathroom I've ever seen... I think I fucking moaned. God, I could probably swim in that tub. I'm probably gonna have a wet dream about this tub and that man doing earth-shattering things to me in it.

The fucking toilet seat is heated. How the shit am I suppose to get up? I'm absolutely sure I was moaning now. I gotta get out of here before I get addicted to this toilet. I pulled on my clothes and tried my best to tame my hair before I walked back out.

"Your bag has been ringing", he said as I walked out.

He was sitting on the couch with a new drink and he was still naked. I bent to pick up my bag and was eye to eye with his cock. I bit my lip as I peeped up at him. I actually couldn't look away and a voice in my head was telling me to strip and it sounded a lot like his. He leaned back and started stroking his cock and I swear my pussy jumped. I was literally one second away from jumping him when my phone started ringing again.

"Yes Maggie, I'm alive", I said as I answered.

"Why didn't you answer the first time?", she asked.

"Heated toilet, that's why", I said.

"What?", she asked.

"Nothing... I'm leaving now", I said, "and go to bed, you have your interview tomorrow."

"I am in bed", she said.
"Well, go to sleep, I'm fine", I said.

"I'll sleep when you get home", she said before she hanged up.

"I have to go", I said as I dropped the phone back in my bag.

He emptied his glass then got up and walked over to me, "Let me walk you out", he said stopping closer enough for me to feel his breath on my lips.

"Ok", I said as I caught my breath.

He rested his hand on my back as we walked to the door. He opened it for me and I couldn't help but glance at his cock as I walked out.

"Good night, Safrina", he said as I looked up into his eyes.

"Good night, Mr. Hayes", I said.


"Come on, Mags, you've been preparing for this for months... trust me, you're ready", I said.

"Ok... I'm going", she said opening the car door.

"And, I'll be waiting here when you're done... we'll go get celebratory ice cream", I said.

"You're wearing sweats", she said looking over at me.

"Fine... you'll get the ice cream while I wait in the car, now go", I said as I pushed out of the car.

"I'm going", she said as she got out.

"Good luck!", I called after her.

She looked back at me as she pushed the door open and went into the building. I looked up at it before turning towards the parking lot. I didn't get her fascination with buildings but she wanted to build them so I was going to do everything I had to to make her dream happen. Even if I had to sit in a car for an hour while she went on interviews. I was definitely going to sleep in this car though or try to and hope I don't wake up moaning like I did all of last night. I locked the doors and dropped the seat back...

"Shit... Maggie", I said as I reached back and took up her folder.

I checked the time on my phone, 8:25, her interview was at 8:30... fuck... I got out of the car and ran as fast as I could and I try to avoid running as much as I can... plus I'm wearing sweats and not the cute kind. God, I pray I don't run into any of my clients.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where the interviews are?", I asked as I got to the front desk.

"Sorry, sweetie, you gotta be 17 to 19 for this internship, not 25 to mid-life crisis", the receptionist said.

"Don't you think, you should have left the snobby bitch act in high school?", I asked.

"Saf...", Maggie said from behind me.

I turned and looked back at her, "What's going on, why aren't you in your interview?", I asked her.

"I blew it", she said, "I forgot my folder so..."

"No you didn't", I said, "you just left it in the car, you can go back in."

"It's too late", she said.

"Are you dead?", I asked her.

"What?", she asked.

"Answer me, are you dead?", I asked again.

"No...", she said.

"Good, then it's not too late", I said as I grabbed her hand.

"Saf, what are you doing... Safrina...", she said as I pulled her along.

"You're not throwing all your hard work away, Maggie, I won't let you", I said.

"Safrina... don't", she said as I pushed open the door.

"I'm not arguing with you Mags, you're doing this interview", I said.

"What makes you think that's up to you?", a very familiar voice asked.

I looked over at him... how did he manage to get hotter in daylight? Fuck... I'm wearing sweats... Fuck this is who Maggie is interviewing with... Fuck...

-OBreena Smith

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