"Come on, get across... Come on!" Stiles said to Scott because I was already at his side, well, why wouldn't I? After Scott came to our side too, Stiles tried to get near to door. "What? What are you doing?" Scott said as he pulled him back to us. "I just wanna get a look at it..." 

"Are you crazy???" I asked, gained his attention immediately. "Look, it's trapped, okay? It's not gonna get out." Stiles said and climbed onto desk, turned to door. He held his light near to door and went closer to it as I tightened my grip onto Scott this time. "Yeah, that's right! We got you--"

"Will you shut up?" Scott said to Stiles in frustration. "I'm not scared of this thing!" Stiles said just before it hit his hand to door, made Stiles flinch and fell from the desk. "I'm not scared of you. Right? 'Cause you're in there, and we're out here. You're not going any--" Stiles stopped talking when a loud banging sound came from roof, making us know that that thing was now right above us. "Yeah... Hanging out with you guys are opposite of fun. We're going to die." I said while Stiles was staring at ceiling that was bending probably because of the weight was on it. When we realized that it was going to collapse, we all started running again. It was already too much running for me. So I eventually started slowing down, my breathing was getting sloppier every second. "Hey, you okay?" Stiles asked but he couldn't stopped, just a bit slowed down as he was still holding my hand to not make me a 'beast food', well, he was a gentleman. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay... Um... I just.. I'm not good at running." 

"Hey, it's okay, I suck at running too. I can't even run a lap, but we can hide so you can catch your breath again if you want to." Stiles said but before I could've answered, Scott stopped his tracks. "Wait, do you hear that?" Scott asked to us, we both looked at him before we turned to see his face. "Hear what?" Stiles asked. "It sounds like a phone ringing..."

"What?" I asked, how can he hear the thing that we can't? It was getting weirder every second, I've never imagined my first hanging out with Stiles like that. "I know that ring-- it's Allison's phone." Oh yeah, now awesome. If Allison was here, then it means Lydia is here too so Stiles' affection is probably be running to Lydia when they come. "What? What is she doing here?" Stiles asked to his friend, probably hoping that Lydia wasn't here so she won't get hurt. Well, I think I'm in hurt. From my heart. "I don't know! I- Just- Just give me your phone." Scott said and before Stiles could said anything, he grabbed his phone from his hand, which I don't know when he pulled it out of his pocket, and he dialed something as I turned to Stiles. "Why doesn't he call her from his phone?" I asked, caused Stiles to turn to me as Scott was calling Allison. "His phone is missing. Hey, can I ask something from you?" 

"Yeah, of course. What is it?" I asked to him with a smile on my face like we weren't the ones who were running from a monster a little while ago. "Can you please not tell anyone what we saw tonight? I know it's too much that I asked you this but-"

"Okay. No one will believe me anyway so, I won't tell anyone. I promise." I said, well, there is no chance that I'll betray Stiles so... Even though I wanted to talk to Erica, my best friend, about what happened between Stiles and me I was going to keep their secret and not talk about 'monster' part. After Scott ended call, he turned to us. "We're meeting with Allison at the lobby, come on." He said and we left the room that we were in and ran to lobby, yeah, ran again. 

"Why did you come? What are you doing here?" Scott asked to Allison as we all met at the lobby. "...Because you asked me to?" Allison said, looking confused. Okay, I have to admit, it's getting weirder every second. "I asked you to?"

"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?" Allison asked to Scott as she showed her phone to him. "Because I didn't."

"Did you drive here?" Stiles asked to Allison, he was getting so nervous that I saw it in his face. "Jackson did." Allison answered. "Jackson's here, too????" Scott asked to Allison, proving myself that I was right about them being here. "And Lydia. What's going on? Who sent this text?" Allison said just before her phone rang, she immediately answered it. "Where are you?" She said but interrupted by one and only Lydia by coming into the lobby, she immediately hung up the phone. "Finally! Can we go now?" Lydia said but this time, a loud noise stopped all of us and caused us to turn to ceiling. Yup, it was that monster again. "RUN!" Scott yelled as the ceiling was getting close to collapse so we all started running, again. When I heard monsters sound, I turned for a second to look at it but get dragged by Stiles immediately. It was right behind us until we went into a classroom, immediately closed the doors after we all got in. 

Invisible - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now