If I did say yes to Wanda and agree to take her back in time, where and when would we go? She never speaks much about her past, but I do know the facts from having had read her file. Parents died when she was young in Sokovia, and her twin died during the Battle of Sokovia. And then there's the Vision. There's a small, unwelcome, ugly feeling when my thoughts fall to him. I push it aside, deciding to ignore it. He died in Wakanda, before the snap. Which one of those would Wanda want to return to?

I have to finally stop running, my breath not able to catch up with me so I bend over, my hands on my thighs, panting, waiting for it to return. The air is cool, cooler than anticipated, and it burns my throat as I gulp in big breaths. I look around, trying to orient myself. To my surprise, I've ended up on the cliffside I found Wanda and the woman on last night. I quickly look to where I saw the woman lying last, half expecting her to still be there in the same position as last, but I'm alone as far as I can tell. I chastise myself for not checking on the woman last night, but then again I was more concerned with Wanda. I still haven't asked her about who the woman is, but maybe that's not important anymore.

I decide to stay on the cliffside a while longer, figuring I'll give Wanda some more space. I sit down, leaning my back against a big rock, which worryingly has a little something that looks a lot like blood splatter on it. I quickly forget about that though, looking out over the valley below. I can easily see the cabin from up here as the sun is still up, despite being shrouded by thick, grey clouds which look like they would happily open up and let the rain wash down on us here below. I feel so small and alone up here and I'm surprised to find that as much as I felt trapped down in the cabin with Wanda, that is where I would much rather be. That's another issue I feel too overwhelmed by to deal with. What the hell is going on with me and my relationship with Wanda? For all the time I've known her, I've enjoyed her company (whenever we haven't been trying to injure each other), finding her increasingly interesting and wanting to know more about her, but since her meltdown on this very cliffside... since last night I've had some worrying feelings pop up, some I don't even want to name, afraid that will solidify them and make them real. No, best not do that. I may feel like I know Wanda, but honestly, what do I know? There's one thing I can be certain of, and that's that she still clearly lives in the past. And I'm not her past. I'm not her anything but perhaps her present and maybe soon someone of the past too. What I definitely am not and cannot be is her present.

I hug my knees into my chest, telling myself it's the cold that's making me shiver and feel so terrible. Maybe I should just try to find my car somewhere down below, shrouded by the thick trees, and just drive away. Leave all of this in the past and let the memories slowly fog over until I cannot really tell what was real anymore. If all I can be to Wanda is someone that she feels keeps her from happiness, then I do not want to stick around. Anyway, there's well enough shit to deal with back at home to keep me occupied for a while. The thought of going back and never seeing Wanda again hovers over me like a dark cloud, and instantly drains me of any form of happiness. But if that's what it takes...

Then again, I could stay. I could stay, and I could give her what she wants of me. I could relent and bring her back to her loved ones, and maybe I could stay in her orbit a while longer. I might even actually be able to help my own family. I might even hug my niece again and hear her laughter and have my grandmother give me advice again. I won't be alone, and neither will Wanda. Our two lost souls will finally not be lost anymore, we will have found our soulmates. We won't be together in our loneliness anymore.

My heart hammers slightly quicker. I did do it before. Maybe I actually could do it again. I have no idea how to channel my power and how to actually get let alone myself that far back in time but also someone else, but maybe... And if Wanda's by my side to help me, help direct my magic with her magic, who says it can't be done? She's the Scarlet Witch anyway, I'm certain she doesn't really need much of my help. And maybe, just maybe we were always meant to do it.

I hop up, my mind and heart racing. I take one last look at the view, but all I can focus on is the tiny structure of the cabin down below. I have to try. For her. She deserves every chance she has at some happiness. I can't be someone that takes that from her. Envigorated, I start jogging back down the steep mountain, my descent so much quicker than the last time I did it with Wanda hanging over me. I gracefully hop over boulders and duck under trees, my heart pounding so much harder than necessary.

I sprint the last of the stretch towards the cabin, my excitement now boundless. Wanda emerges from inside, looking slightly alarmed, her hair now in a half-up-half-down do and a long, gray cardigan wrapped around her.

"What happened? Are you okay? Where did you go?" She questions me as I hop up the stairs to meet her on the porch. Her voice has no trace left of her previous irritability. "I couldn't feel you, and then I could again, and your thoughts -I can't make sense-"

"Yes." I gasp out, too out of breath to be able to form any coherent words other than that breathy one-syllable word.

Wanda's lips part slightly and she looks at me in concern, her brows furrowing. I laugh and in my excitement pull her into a rough hug. She doesn't hug me back and so I let her go.


"Let's try, Wanda." I croak and she blinks, trying to keep up with me. I realize I should probably elaborate some instead of standing there, grinning like a mad person. "I'll do it."

"What?" She grimaces. "What are you talking about? What happened?"

"Oh my god, Wanda!" I laugh at her not understanding, being too concerned with if I'm okay to figure it out. "Let's go back."

Wanda actually gasps this time, her eyes widening in shock as she slaps her right hand over her mouth.

"I'll do it." I repeat nodding, willing for her to share in my excitement.

She splutters something not understandable under her hand, her expression still puzzled whilst her eyes look questioning at me.

"Oh my god, say something!" I squeak, not able to take it anymore and my resolve starting to crumble slightly, the cracks letting in that same old doubt.

"I just-" She finally regains her voice and her hand drops to her side. "I didn't- are you sure?"

"I am. We have to try, if we can. For them." I insist and she scrunches up her face. "That's what you want, isn't it?"

"Livvy." She whimpers and suddenly I'm in her embrace, her hair tickling the side of my face.

"You're happy, you want to do this, right? I don't know if I can, but I'll try." I worry into her hair and she squeezes me tighter, like she's trying to reassure me through her hug before easing up and pulling back to look at me again, her hands sneaking their way up my arms onto my shoulders until she's hanging onto the back of my neck, looking into my eyes with such intensity I think I might burst into a flame, not unlike her magic in colour.

"You're sure about this?" I question her again in but a whisper and she lets out a soft laugh and nods, her eyes glossy again. "Alright. Ok, let's turn back time."

A/N: Chapter 40 is going to be intense, y'all. Just letting you know to get ready! Again, thank you to everyone who's been adding this to their reading lists and to everyone for voting AND for your comments, they're so fun to read! Where in time do you think we're going to end up? And what characters would you like to make an appearance??

Alright, catch you on the flipside, literally!

Fire and Smoke - Wanda Maximoff x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن